Flouride Linked to ADHD

Read Time:4 Minute, 18 Second

By Frank J. Granett R.ph. Special for USDR




A recent US study links fluoridated drinking water to the onset of ADHD symptoms. The Price of Business radio program interviewed nationally regarded chemist, Dr. Paul Connett PhD. As Executive Director and co-founder of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), Dr. Connett is an avid educator, explaining the systemic toxicity of fluoridated drinking water. “We have spent many years investigating water fluoridation and the toxicity of fluoride and we are dismayed that commentators are willing to repeat, without verification, pro-fluoridation statements that disparage scientists and citizens who oppose the practice,” says  Connett.


Listen to that interview here:



“FAN’s website has a wealth of scientific information indicating that water fluoridation is neither safe nor effective,” says Connett. “In fact, mounting evidence shows that it is harmful to large segments of the population and has helped to create an epidemic of dental fluorosis in children.” On April 12, 2010, Time magazine listed fluoride as one of the ‘Top Ten Common Household Toxins’ and described fluoride as both ‘neurotoxic’ and ‘potentially tumorigenic’ if swallowed.” Adding, “The majority of countries do not fluoridate or have ended the practice, including 98% of Western Europe, and yet, according to WHO statistics, their tooth decay rates are no different than those in fluoridated  countries.”



The brain is the most complex organ system of the human body. With an intricate communication system involving neuronal cells and multiple forms of chemical neurotransmitters, the brain efficiently transmits impulses guiding children as well as adults to achieve normal behavioral development. However, today’s toxic environment is impeding normal behavioral development, and has become a critical risk factor in the onset of ADHD-like symptoms. Chemical additives in our food and water supply, not proven safe by the FDA, deserves attention to reduce epidemic ADHD and autism rates. Chemical additives in healthcare products as well as the water supply, including fluoride, may cause negative behavioral effects due to calcification of the pineal  gland.



Located deep within the brain below the corpus callosum, which is the circuit connector for the right and left brain hemispheres, the pineal gland is responsible for the secretion of melatonin… the human body’s biological time clock hormone regulating normal sleep patterns. More importantly, the pineal gland plays a critical role in the enzyme pathway for the production of brain neurotransmitters including serotonin and norepinephrine. Additionally, the body’s anti-oxidant defense system is optimized by healthy pineal tissue which helps eliminate free radical toxin accumulation in the  body.



Although the pineal gland is very small, approximately 7mm, it receives the most blood perfusion than any endocrine gland in the body. This biological fact is especially important since the pineal gland accumulates the largest concentration of fluoride calcification, in the form of calcium phosphate, than any soft tissue of the human body. Also called the Third Eye and spiritual center of thought, this small body of tissue is involved in the minds ability to develop higher levels of consciousness. Children and adults experiencing ADHD-like symptoms should consume a whole foods, GMO-free diet… devoid of pesticides, chemical food additives, sugar, as well as fluoride to reduce pineal tissue calcification. Children as young as 2 years of age can develop pineal calcification. Unfortunately, fluoride is a socially accepted neurotoxin contained in the water supply as well as consumer products, including toothpaste.



Pineal gland calcification due to excessive fluoride exposure is a clinical risk factor in the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disease, insomnia as well as ADHD. Currently, there are over 20 human studies and over 100 animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage resulting in neuro-behavioral disorders. Studies also link pineal calcification to early onset puberty in females due to disturbed or reduced melatonin secretion. Therefore the pineal gland has the distinct role in the “normal” timing of puberty  onset.
Currently, the EPA authorizes maximum fluoride content in drinking water at 4ppm in the US. Studies conclude that behavioral disturbances may occur due to fluoridated drinking water as low as 1.2pm. Government agencies complicit in this public health issue should re-evaluate the dangers fluoride poses in childhood behavioral development. Children and adults battling behavioral conditions should adopt an action plan to prevent the onset of pineal gland  calcification.



The Pineal Gland Decalcification Action  Plan




  •  Eliminate sugar
  •  Eliminate processed and GMO foods from the diet
  • Use non-fluoridated or baking soda toothpaste brands
  • Drink cold purified or distilled water
  • Take one teaspoon cold organic apple cider vinegar in water once a day….contains malic acid which may be effective in decalcifying the pineal gland
  • Eat raw beets 4 times a week…contains high concentrations of boron
  • Antioxidant supplementation




For more information on how to assess risk factors causing ADHD-like symptoms visit www.CAOOY.org or The American Epidemic: Solutions for Over-medicating Our Youth For more information on high potency antioxidant therapy supplementation email  FrankGranett@CAOOY.org



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