How to Implement and Benefit from a CRM System

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If you’re not all that savvy when it comes to digital marketing, terms such as PPC, CRO and RSS will come across as some alien language. The same can also be said for  CRM.

When you break it down, CRM – which stands for Customer Relationship Management – is not too difficult to figure out. In the most basic sense, a CRM system/model is a great way to store, manage and communicate with your customers. Rather than storing such information on an Excel worksheet or, God forbid, a Rolodex, all of this precious data is also kept in one place that is both safe and  convenient.

There is much more to a CRM, as you will find out by reading the following article detailing the benefits and info you need to know about this  system.

Things to consider before going with a CRM  system

While the temptation to implement a CRM system will be strong once you understand its benefits, there are still numerous elements to consider before doing so – as you will see  below:

Choose the right system for your  business

Although it is self-explanatory, one of the first things you need to do is choose a CRM system that will best fit with your business. In general, the main reasons to consider are your needs, the features it offers and the price of purchasing the system. This obviously comes down to the size of your company and your necessity for a  CRM.

Training process for  employees

When any new system/feature is freshly implemented, there is going to be a time period where employees have to become accustomed to this new process. With that in mind, you have to dedicate a portion of time to training your employees to use the CRM  system.

On top of that, it is also recommended that you constantly teach and prep your employees with the CRM. After all, the more they are familiar with the system, the more proficient they are going to be when using it – along with being extra comfortable with using the  CRM.

Keep it  simple

With any new piece of tech, there is always going to be a level of enticement to try and use every aspect of the CRM. However, when taking into account the fact you’ll need to teach all of your employees to use it, the system should be kept as simple as possible. The fewer tabs, fields and functions (within reason), the  better.

Does it integrate with your current  systems?

Do you have any other systems in place to store customer information? Well for the best impact, the CRM should complement what you’re currently using – basically, it should make importing/exporting data a seamless experience. Although if you are using an archaic method of storing/utilizing that data, seriously consider starting from scratch with  CRM.

Sticking to this topic, if you have an expansive collection of data to import, it is recommended that you use a data loader for this step – assuming your CRM system has this feature of course. The Salesforce data loader from Celigo, for example, allows you to integrate, migrate and sync data quickly and efficiently via any cloud application. That is, as long as the data is applicable of  course.

Everything needs to be  reported

There is little point in using a CRM system if you’re don’t report every little detail. If you don’t do this, you will miss out on accounting useful information about your customers – which might come back to bite you when contacting  someone.

That said, it is also vital that you have all employees – from the office drones to the executives – report every interaction they have with a client. Thanks to how a CRM is setup, it correlates such information  seamlessly.

The big benefits of  CRM

Now that you know what to ponder before adding a CRM to your business operations, it’s time to observe the big benefits of using such a system – of which there are many that will help improve the efficiency of your  company.

Provides a greater customer  experience

First of all, the use of a CRM means that you can supply a greater level of customer experience overall. As you will have a greater understanding of every customer – and are able to analyze all the information collected – this means that you can send the right message/answer at all  times.

Supplies the freedom for other business  tasks

Think about it: because a CRM means that you don’t have to store, check and respond to customers manually, you have more time on your hands. It, therefore, gives you greater freedom to focus on other, more important business operations. You are able to focus on other business tasks and move towards more than one goal  efficiently.



All customer info is in one  place

Rather than having details spread out here and there, a CRM means that you store all customer information in one place. Not only that, but the best CRM systems automatically update when needed – meaning that you know you’re not going to face outdated  data.

Easy to collaborate with  employees

As touched upon previously, a CRM provides you with the opportunity to easily collaborate with employees when it comes to reporting employee information. As the best CRM systems are stored in the cloud, this means that employees – from wherever they are and via any applicable device – can check and update this information whenever needed. Plus it also allows the ability to check when your company last communicated with a customer, which means there won’t be any cross wires in terms of the frequency of contacting a  client.

Supplies useful metrics and  reports

When it comes to planning for the future, one of the best aspects delivered by the CRM is that it should feature instant metrics and even reports. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that this sort of knowledge could be applied effectively for your business. Is your contact marketing strategy working? How will you plan for the future? Your CRM will be able to help you answer such  questions.

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