Tips from an Unintentional Survivalist Turned Prepper

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It seems as though many people have this misguided concept of what it means to actually be a survivalist because the whole notion has become glorified in the media. Actually, it’s a way of life for many, but some fall into it by way of survival in the literal sense of the word. With the cost of living beyond what the average American can afford and nowhere to turn, more than a few people decide to go off grid where bills are fewer and landlords don’t  exist.

It isn’t really all that simple as one old survivalist in Northern California was soon to find out. Here are a few tips from an unintentional survivalist soon to turn prepper who would like to remain anonymous because of the wisdom she gleaned in two years living in the raw. You don’t share who you are or where you are if you want to remain safe. That is your first, and perhaps most important, tip you’ll  hear.

What the Land Development Companies Won’t Tell  You

Land is still dirt cheap, no pun intended, in many areas of the country so it seems like a good fit for someone living on a fixed income. However, what the land development companies won’t tell you is that sometimes wells are more than 600 feet down and the cost of drilling can run over $35,000. You also won’t be told that in order to have an electric line run to your property you need a well first. You won’t be told that the well contains arsenic so the water is not potable and unfit for humans and animals  alike.

Those are a few of the ‘tips’ you need to hear if you think it will be easy living off grid. You quickly learn to be a survivalist and with unethical sales tactics like those, you also learn to be a prepper. You learn it’s not what you are told by corporate America, but rather, what you aren’t  told.

Don’t Be Left Out in the  Dark

There is a literal as well as a figurative meaning behind this. Yes, corporate America will try to leave you out in the dark to make that almighty sale, but living off grid, you are literally in the dark. There is no ambient light from city buildings, no street lights and on nights of a new moon you can’t see your hand in front of your face at arm’s length. Be prepared to keep several kinds of flashlights on hand and keep them all charged  well.

You can find a variety online at the Fenix Store from tactical to camping and hiking lights, and even lights for cyclists which also come in handy. If you don’t have a generator to recharge those flashlights, it is suggested that you seriously consider solar power which is cheaper in the long run anyway! The one thing most people moving off grid from a city environment aren’t prepared for is the total darkness out in the  wilderness.

Odd Bits of  Wisdom

When you choose your land, one thing to be concerned with is the availability of water. Always choose a parcel within walking distance to a water source such as a running creek or stream. Stagnant water breeds all kinds of unwanted parasites so a rapidly running water source can save your life. If you are going to cart water in 5-gallon plastic buckets, make certain they are food grade buckets and always keep them out of direct sunlight. Algae grows quite quickly in the direct  sun.

Learn to grow your own fruits and vegetables, buy a few laying chickens and learn to hunt and fish. These are all survival tips that will keep you out of cities if chaos should suddenly break out – and we all know it will. If you are alone, keep a big dog with you who obeys commands well, but is scary enough to keep interlopers off your property. Some preppers arm themselves well with shotguns and handguns, which is a good idea if only to keep mountain cats and bears at  bay.

A Few Closing  Thoughts

Before jumping into a survivalist lifestyle, learn all that you can about real life survival. What you see in the movies and on television is far removed from a true off grid existence, so take the time to analyze what you’ll need to survive if you never see another human EVER for the rest of your life. That’s a survivalist turned prepper in the truest sense of the  word.

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