Amnesty Bill will Create More Economic Disparity

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By CIS, Special for USDR.

The immigration bill, which will be debated in the U.S. Senate over the next couple of weeks, assures the continuation of poverty for the American underclass for the foreseeable future.

In his Backgrounder, “The First Quarter of 2013 Employment Picture,” Steven Camarota, Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies, finds that the broad unemployment rate for Americans without a high school degree has reached 30 percent and is close to 20 percent for citizens with only a high school education. There are now 55.4 million working-age Americans who are not working. The Schumer-Rubio bill, S.744, would significantly worsen the prospects of this sizable portion of the population by more than doubling legal immigration.

More details can be found at:

Mark Krikorian states, “Ronald Reagan seemed to understand the moral issue better than today’s Democrats when he said, ‘We’re all equal in the eyes of God, but as Americans that’s not enough. We must be equal in the eyes of each other.’ Where is the moral concern for the American worker, the people at the bottom?”

Increasing the number of workers in any sector lowers their wages. Conversely, a tighter labor market forces employers to raise wages and provide better benefits. The Economic Policy Institute has found that real hourly wages for men without a high school degree were 22 percent lower in 2007 than in 1979. The Rubio-Schumer bill would further depress these wages.

In addition to the huge increase in legal immigration, the bill weakens immigration law enforcement, creating an incentive for future would-be illegal immigrants to ignore U.S. law and enter the country. This ensures that there will be yet more amnesties in the future, keeping less-educated Americans in a never-ending cycle of poverty. They will rely on charity and government transfers, in a time of record deficits, with no hope of ever leading a life with dignity or hope.

View the Senate bill, and CIS analysis, testimony, and commentary on the bill, at:

The Center for Immigration Studies is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization. Since its founding in 1985, the Center has pursued a single mission – providing immigration policymakers, the academic community, news media, and concerned citizens with reliable information about the social, economic, environmental, security, and fiscal consequences of legal and illegal immigration into the United States.

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