By US Daily Review Staff.
Tea Party favorite, Rep. Allen West (R-FL) made headlines this week by saying there are members of the Communist party in the US House. The Daily Caller reported of a recent town hall meeting of the Congressman. “I believe there are about 78 or 81 members of the Democrat Party that are members of the Communist Party,” West said in response to a question at the event. After a dramatic pause, he added, “it’s called the Congressional Progressive Caucus.”
Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business and Publisher of the US Daily Review actually covered an event of the Communist Party USA back in the 1980s and stated “there were actually several members of Congress at the event. A couple gave speeches and displayed their membership cards with pride. So hearing that there are members of the party in the Congress today doesn’t surprise me, but the number quoted by West is much more than any could expect.”
So what is the Congressional Progressive Caucus? According to the organization’s website, “Our Caucus members promote a strong, progressive agenda, what we call “The Progressive Promise–Fairness for All”. The Progressive Promise is rooted in four core principles that embody national priorities and are consistent with the values, needs and aspirations of all the American people, not just the powerful and the privileged. They reflect a fundamental belief in government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
The four, core principles of the Progressive Promise:
1. Fighting for economic justice and security for all;
2. Protecting and preserving our civil rights and civil liberties;
3. Promoting global peace and security; and
4. Advancing environmental protection and energy independence”
“Economic justice” as an expression common among liberals in general and is a softer expression of the communists belief in economic equality for all. The promotion of “global peace and security” is typically done through appeasement to the enemies of the United States. In fact, when one does an inventory of all of the Progressive’s agenda, it looks remarkably similar to the beliefs of the Communist Party USA. The site says “Founded in 1919, the Communist Party USA has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality, racial justice and peace for ninety years. The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States…” (emphasis added)
So who are these members whose philosophy so closely mirrors the Communist Party USA? Here is a list, from the Caucus’ website, with links to the members’ actual sites. You might want to see if a communist, er, progressive, represents you.
Vice Chairs
Senate Member
House Members
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