Kevin Price is an award winning broadcast journalist and host of the Price of Business, syndicated columnist, and frequent guest on Fox News and other syndicated and national programs. He graduated from Abilene Christian University with a degree in Economic History. Follow Kevin on Twitter: @kevinpricelive

Born in Scotland and educated in Texas, Daniel Jamieson has been professionally writing since 2005, most recently for ‘US Daily Review’ and ‘Health and Fitness Magazine’. One of USDR’s Senior Editors, Daniel adds fresh viewpoints on everything from education to sports. He graduated from Texas State with a BA in Creative Writing. Follow Daniel on Twitter: @JamiesonDaniel

Steve Parkhurst is a political consultant, a writer at his blog as well as a Senior Editor here at US Daily Review, where he maintains the Across The Pond feature. Follow Steve on Twitter: @SteveParkhurst

Corie Whalen, a US Daily Review senior editor, is 26 years old and writes from Houston, Texas. She graduated from Simmons College in Boston with a double major in political science and history. Heavily involved in libertarian and conservative politics since college, Corie has organized several tea parties and other events protesting government overspending. Presently, she’s the Political Director for the Campaign For Primary Accountability, South Central Regional Director for Young Americans For Liberty, on the Board of Directors for the Coalition to Reduce Spending, serves as Secretary for the Republican Liberty Caucus, and consults for various candidates. Follow Corie on Twitter: @CorieWhalen.

Felicia Cravens walked away from her accounting degree over a decade ago to become a stay-at-home mom. Since then, she has filled her “spare time” teaching drama in an after-school program and working in conservative politics. She founded the Houston Tea Party Society in 2009, serves as a frequent media contact, and trains and equips people new to the political process. She can be found on Facebook and Google+, and on Twitter as @somethingfishie. She can also be found at LinkedIn.

Sheryl Devereaux’s works are published through a number of online magazines, newspapers, and her own award-winning blog. She hosts a weekly radio show on the Constitution, Foundation of a Nation; and is completing a book on American politics. She has been a business owner and served on many Boards of Directors for civic and non-profit organizations. Her first love is her children. Her American heritage which falls slightly behind includes patriots such as the Vice Consul to Belgium for President Lincoln, the Vicar General of Kentucky in the same era, and her own father, a Viet Nam War Veteran. You can find her on Twitter at @SherylDevereaux.

Candace E. Salima is a radio talk show host, author, columnist, and makes her home in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. Learn more about her at www.CandaceSalima.com.

Born in the same county as Davy Crockett in East Tennessee, Dave Smith has been living in Texas for over 10 years and involved in politics in for over 15 years. He has been blogging for nearly 10 years, has contributed to Town Hall Magazine and other publications, and has been on ABC and Fox discussing election issues. He is a graduate of Tennessee Tech University with a degree in chemical engineering.

Sharon is a Presence Image Coach and Keynote Speaker. She helps you transform your image and improve the quality of your life. Sharon is a skilled image consultant, fashion advisor, coach, communicator, and sales leader. She can help you with how you look, how you behave, and how you manage your life. Starting out as a young high-fashion runway model, Sharon learned the importance of image, presence, personal branding, and how to interact with the public. Clients include a former First Lady, a network news anchor, and the past president of the Motion Picture Industry of America. www.sharonglickman.com

Malcolm Out Loud is the host of WebTV show Malcolm Out Loud TV, an acclaimed motivational speaker, founder of Brink Thinking and the author of the book ‘Smash The Competition.’ Find out more about him at www.MalcolmOutLoud.TV , and follow him on Twitter @Malcolmoutloud.

Ashley Davis Bush is a psychotherapist and the author of three self help books including Shortcuts to Inner Peace: 70 Simple Paths to Everyday Serenity and Transcending Loss. She facilitates and posts daily on two Facebook support sites, one for grievers and another for those seeking inner peace. Born and raised in Texas, Ashley now lives in southern New Hampshire with her husband, Dan, their 5 kids and 4 pets. Besides Facebook, she can be found on Twitter, Youtube and LinkedIn.
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