By Roni Bissett, Special for USDR
What defines emotional stability? What sets emotionally stable people asidefrom others? The definition of an emotionally stable person refers to the extent that they can remain calm and secure in even the direst of circumstances.They are disciplined, well-organized and able to stay focused and on target.
This is easier said than done. Two of the greatest enemies of emotional stability are fear and anxiety. The first is emotional and the second is mental and they feed on each other. Thoughts fuel feelings, feelings fuel thoughts, and around and around they go, like a hurricane in a teacup.
Stop! Take complete custody of your thought process. Become aware of your self-talk and change any negatives into positives. If you think you can’t – you can’t. It’s that simple. Take a good look at your gifts and talents and especially what turns you on, brings you joy, and makes the butterflies swarm in your belly. Focus on your blessings rather than your tribulations.
The famous comedian, George Burns, was asked what contributes to longevity on approaching his 100th birthday. His answer: “Fall in love with what you do for a living.” Wonderful advice! Loving what you do for a living does not strain your energy. On the contrary, it nourishes and feeds you.It builds self-confidence and helps strengthen emotional stability.
Sometimes our greatest fear is not that we might fail, but that we might succeed. Heaven help us! How can we keep up? People will expect too much! At times, people will unknowingly sabotage their own talents and good work because of this fear of keeping up with success.
The emotionally stable person is also able to take risks and step out into the unknown even though it may seem terrifying. The most terrifying incident for me was the decision to go back to school. My children were grown, my marriage was failing, and I had no marketable skills as I was married right out of high school. I’d spent years being a stay-at-home mom.
The morning I was to go to the community college for the first day of school, I stepped out of the front door and froze! I literally could not go down those steps!
I ran back into the house, sat on the couch and almost had a panic attack. I repeated this a couple times, and on the fourth try I slammed the door shut, hopped into the car and took off. I thought I saw my whole life changing right before my eyes. And it did.
The first quarter I won a scholarship that took me through until I got my AA Degree. I’ve taken many risks since that day and have still been scared witless. I always remember my “Stepping off the Porch” story and forge ahead.
Our whole quality of life depends on our estimation of ourselves; for what we believe about ourselves and our abilities, we project onto others at home, on the job or in the business world. The most valuable gift we can bestow on family, friends and the work community is our own sense of self-worth or self-confidence.
It all begins on the personal level. We must banish our personal fears and insecurities so they won’t infringe on our work life.Fear creates the thing it fears.In orderto banish those fears, use these four incredible tools of the conscious mind: attention, observation, imaginationand action.
Also, follow these key action steps in order to find the result you want:
- Pay close attention to what you want to create or change.
- Keenly observe what needs to be done.
- Imagine what it would be like to succeed.
- Step into action.
These four miraculous tools can be utilized in any area of life; your personal life, your family life, your spiritual life, yourwork life – to whatever you want to change or bring into being.
Of the above tools, action is what makes it all happen. If I had not stepped off the porch that day, my life would be nowhere near what it is today.
To sum it up, the effects of emotional stability on the job or in the business world include:
- The ability to remain calm during difficult circumstances.
- To acknowledge fear, and act in spite of it.
- The ability to remain focused and on track.
- To be responsible, self-disciplined and organized.
- To love the work and find joy and fulfillment in it.
The emotionally stable person is responsible with both feet on the ground, is trustworthy, pleasant and easy to be around.
About the Author
Roni Bissett calls herself a “late bloomer.” After raising six children, at age 42 she enrolled incommunity college, earned an AA Degree, and while working, went onto earn anM.A. in Psychology. She was a marriage/family counselor and psychotherapist at a counseling center in Seattle for ten years before opening a private practicein Ocean Shores, Wash.In addition, she has presented workshops at many conferences throughout the Northwest and Alaska.
Roni is also a newspaper columnist and has written two self-help books: Don’t Tripover the Pebbles in Your PathandAbundance is Your Birthright – Claim It!Both books are available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and the Abundance book from Trafford Publishing. Both books are also available from the author at
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