Pres. Obama issued a new anti-greenhouse gas (GHG) executive order Thursday that creates a “scorecard”of federal contractor greenhouse gas emissions and reduction targets. Also on Thursday, the White House released a “fact sheet” announcing the executive order and detailing the new “scorecard”:
“Sec. 15. Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Management: (a) the Chair of CEQ shall, within 30 days of the date of this order and annually thereafter, identify and publicly release an inventory of major Federal suppliersusing publicly available Federal procurement information, including information as to whether the supplier has accounted for and publicly disclosed, during the previous calendar year, annual scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emission data and publicly disclosed a greenhouse gas emission reductions target (or targets) for 2015 or beyond;”
The White House “fact sheet” says the “Administration is releasing a new scorecard to publicly track self-reported emissions disclosure and progress for all major Federal suppliers, who together represent more than $187 billion in Federal spending and account for more than 40 percent of all Federal contract dollars.”
The color-coded scorecard publicizes the annual dollar value of federal contracts awarded to each company and whether that company either discloses, has committed to disclose, or refuses to disclose its greenhouse gas emissions and reduction targets.
See scorecard in full post: