By Jimmy Jones, USDR Contributor
Say you blow up a balloon inside a nice warm house for your party. It proudly bobs about the room on the floor and from hand to hand of the party goers. If you notice the balloon will roll along in the draft of the party and if it hits a coffee table or a shoe perhaps, it simply floats right over it and keeps going. It’s very efficient, just goes with the flow. Now after the party, take that same happy balloon outside in the cold. Within just a few minutes it will be a stale, sad balloon with not enough life left to bob. It will basically sit inefficiently on the ground and only a large wallop of wind or a swift kick can get it to move.
Tires aren’t all that different from balloons. In essence, they are balloons wrapped around the wheel of your vehicle. They are a sealed balloon that have to have enough pressure built up inside of them to resist the weight of the vehicle they hold up so you can drive. Now if you filled your tires up with air on a nice warm day and today is cool and damp outside, the pressure inside the tire is much the same as our stagnant party balloon. Stale. The internal pressure isn’t the same because the air outside of the tire isn’t the same. You have a tire that just yesterday was able to give you the resistance to the road needed to avoid the dog, and today doesn’t have the same ability to resist the road, the weight of your vehicle and a host of other physical requirements the car needs in such a moment.
In other words, for safety’s sake, check your air pressure or have your trusted tire shop make sure your tires are keeping you safe. It’s cold, damp and possibly icy where you are and the tires on your car are all that keep you going in the direction you would like. Make sure they are up to specifications on air pressure. Safe travels this winter friends.
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