By Government of Greece, Special for USDR
The Greek General Secretariat against Corruption unveiled elements of a national anti-corruption plan that has been developed in tandem with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development during a special conference organized in Athens this week.
The conference, which was attended by Gabriela Ramos, the OECD chief of staff, was organized to provide Greece with technical assistance and sharing expertise in such areas as asset recovery, transaction verification procedures and similar control mechanisms. The OECD is a group of 34 market-economy democracies with market economies that promotes financial transparency, economic growth and sustainable development.
George Vassiladis, the anti-corruption Secretary General said, “From the first day of this Secretariat was created 18 months ago, the overriding priority has been cooperating with all relevant international organizations that could help our purpose. From the first day we tried to be present in every European forum that existed, in every organization to make our voice heard and receive assistance and best practices from any international organization that could offer it.”
The OECD will provide assistance and know-how in over 10 areas bringing in experts from other successful programs in Central and Eastern Europe as well as Korea and Mexico, according to Mrs. Ramos.
The Greek Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Yannis Dragasakis said, “Greece is investing in a policy that treats corruption as a symptom of deeper social and cultural factors whose causes must be uprooted. This means that our efforts must be sustained.”
Dimitris Papangelopoulos, the Greek Alternate minister for Justice, Transparency and Human Rights said, “The rise of voices against our anti-corruption efforts touting trumped-up news, theatrical antics, with hypocrisy and audacity demonstrate the effectiveness of our Policies up to now. Greece is enriching its arsenal against corruption on a daily basis.”
Said Ms. Ramos: “It is very encouraging to see that the Prime Minister Tsipras and his government is committed to addressing this challenge from the outset by the creation of a General Secretariat of Anti-corruption and the implementation of a National Action Plan for Combating corruption with the help of the OECD.”
SOURCE Government of Greece