Have You Ever Shopped at Sky Mall?

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Sky Mall: Who wouldn't want this in their yard to welcome neighbors?

By Kevin Price, Publisher and Editor in Chief, US Daily Review

When I was a little kid and experienced air travel there were always a few things I would look forward to on a trip.  I loved looking at the sights out my window, wondering what they would serve as a meal, and doing a little “window shopping” in whatever magazine they had of goods they know anyone would want to buy.  Well, at this point in my life air travel is just not that exciting.  I now prefer the aisle so I can get up and out more easily, I know I am only going to get peanuts (if I am lucky), but the one reliable constant is a magazine called Sky Mall.

Sky Mall has been around since 1990, but I know there were other publications that proceeded it.  It is like a magazine for all the informercials you love to hate.  It is a specialty publishing firm corporately located in Phoenix, Arizona and it produces a quarterly in-flight publication, SkyMall has an annual circulation of approximately 20 million copies, according to the company, and can be found in airplane seat pockets (right next to the barf bag, just in case). SkyMall catalog is seen by approximately 88% of all domestic air passengers in the United States, reaching more than 650 million air travelers annually.

I think people would collectively yawn if the Sky Mall magazine were a typical store catalog. Instead it is something like “Sharper Image” meets “Ronco.”  One of the things I notice about Sky Mall is a big emphasis on “out of the box” thinking.  It wants you to ask “who would have thought of that?”  For example, who wouldn’t want an image on a tree like you would find in the Wizard of Oz or in Nottingham Forest? You can find it here!  How about relieving your dog of anxiety? Sky Mall has something for that too!  How about a metal wallet that let’s you organize your credit cards in a highly sophisticated way and prevents demagnetization.  You have to see it to truly appreciate it.

Sky Mall is also big on products that save space, like the Queen Essential EZ Bed that, almost disappears when you are not using it.   The same is true with its “Box Free” product that asks the question, “Ever feel like you need a little more space?” Who doesn’t, all the time? Sky Mall to the rescue!

In the end, Sky Mall really is like a giant shopping center.  A big, kind of fun (especially if you are thousands of feet in the air and you do not have headphones for the movie), mall.  It does not make all the products themselves, but is a multi-section catalog of dozens of companies waiting to help you find the interesting product you want.  But it has to be interesting, or it wouldn’t be Sky Mall.  They should really pay me for that tag line

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