Today U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX), a longtime member of the Pro-Life Caucus, released the following statement on the passage of the two key bills he sponsors: The Defund Planned Parenthood Act and The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
The first bill stops taxpayer-financed abortions at organizations like Planned Parenthood; the second creates criminal penalties for organizations that refuse to provide care for babies born alive in abortion clinics.
“It’s time to end this taxpayer-funded attack on human life in America. No federal dollars should ever be used to fund organizations like Planned Parenthood whose gruesome practices of illegally harvesting the tissues and organs of unborn children for profit have finally been revealed to the public. And workers who callously stand by and refuse to provide medical care to babies born alive in these abortion clinics should face criminal penalties. Whether you are pro-choice or strongly pro-life as I am, this is common ground we can all agree upon.
“Protecting the unborn is the most serious human rights issue of our time. Those like President Obama who defend the funding and gruesome practices of Planned Parenthood are on the wrong side of history.”
Here is some background on how these bills evolved.
- Congressman Diane Black introduced The Defund Planned Parenthood Act (H.R. 3134), it will place a one-year moratorium on federal funding for Planned Parenthood unless Planned Parenthood certifies it will not provide or fund another organization that performs abortions. The House will also vote on an amendment to shift funding that would otherwise go to Planned Parenthood to other women’s health providers so that women can receive the care they need without forcing taxpayers to fund abortions. This moratorium will give Congress the time to investigate whether or not Planned Parenthood engaged in illegal activity and the extent of its shocking practices.
- Congressman Trent Franks introduced The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 3504), it would save the lives of abortion survivors by imposing criminal penalties on medical professionals who fail to try and save a child born alive after an abortion attempt. Earlier this year we heard in emotional testimonies given by abortion survivors to the House Judiciary Committee, they were the lucky ones who were given life-saving treatment after a failed abortion attempt. Many others who are born alive are left to die or killed after the abortion attempt. There are already federal laws requiring assistance to babies born alive during an abortion procedure, but these laws have been violated. This bill will put teeth on those laws, and hopefully save the lives of more children.
- To view Congressman Brady’s floor speech on defunding Planned Parenthood click here.