How to Boost Your Blog Traffic Without Advertising in 2019

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The main reason for creating a blog is to gather traffic that will browse your content from which you can benefit from monetization and other different things. However, increasing blog traffic is a hard process that sometimes requires a large investment for marketing. Just because the competition is very high, you will face problems with search engines that will simply not show your website in fist pages.

The goal is to reach the first pages producing SEO content, it is similar to college football rankings, the higher you get the better. Now that we know that bringing traffic to your blog is hard, it is time to tell you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

There are different ways to make sure your blog stands out from the competition and over time people will start to realize that. There are different methods that you can use in order to increase the momentum of new users.

  1. Focus on Value

If you are running a blog, make sure you are providing high-quality content that will make users engage with it. The fact is that users value quality over quantity, so the next time you sit down to write make sure you remember these words.

If you can provide some kind of value for your readers, your blog will grow in traffic constantly. Value can be represented by problem-solving articles, pieces of advice, how-to tutorials, knowledgeable articles. It is very important that you give something to your audience that they can learn from.

  1. Write What Your Audience Wants to Read

It is very important to analyze your audience and all their reactions. At the beginning is hard determining what your audience wants, but over time you can analyze which type of content performs best and focus on that kind of topics. It is very simple method, yet very effective.

Understand your niche and do a lot of research about it on social media and Google in order to find out what is the best way to interact with your audience through your niche.

  1. Research other blogs and comments

There are millions of bloggers out there, some of them are very experienced and produce the most engaging content. It is very important to do a lot of research and find out what you are dealing with or get an idea for new content. This step is essential for new bloggers who do not know where to begin. Blogging is about following trends and producing high-quality content, you do not need to be that innovative and come up with something new. Just make sure your blog is as good as the competition. Comments are really good way to learn your mistakes and find out what your audience has to say. This can be used to adapt your blog to their needs.

  1. Social Media is Essential

When you are building your blog and writing your content, make sure you simplify the process of social media sharing. This makes all things easier just because your audience will promote your blog for you. Make sure you add sharing buttons in the right place but be careful to not overcomplicate your blog with many different sharing options which will slow down your website and confuse users.

Use a couple of different social media platforms. Three or four is the optimal number such as Twitter, Pinterest or Facebook. Creating too many will take too much valuable time that can be used for content creation which is more important.

  1. Have Continues Writing Routine

Before you start your blog you have to plan your posting schedule. It is very important to maintain that same schedule all the time just because readers quickly get a routine and they automatically open your website to see the new content.

You can create all the content at once and schedule it for the next couple of days in order to have more time to focus on different things.

  1. Patience is Key

There are many bloggers who are often disappointed by the results of their first couple of months. However, remember that success does not come overnight and you have to work hard before you see your results and you have to believe in what you are doing. Once users see that you are a serious blog that invests in the quality of the content your traffic will grow. It is just important to get through the phase when you do not want to do this anymore just because you do not see any results. The people that pass that phase turn out to have very successful blogs.

These are some of the ways that you can increase the traffic on your blog. It is a slow process but it is more powerful than any other advertising method. It is better to focus on long-term growth rather than creating poor content and advertising it. In that case once you stop the financing the traffic will plummet.


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