Editor’s Note: We bemoan ballooning gas-prices, falling used-car value, factory job loss, traffic, pollution, anything to do with sitting behind the wheel. And yet there still exists a need to have the flashiest, newest and most impressive model of car available on the road. Is it naïve to chase cars in the midst of an economic struggle? Perhaps there is some romance to consumers believing that we are still thriving, that we are the icons of the world, and must exude such a bearing. After all, what is hard work without reward?
The rest of the world needs to see that we are doing just fine. And what better way than to show up with the newest toy in your driveway? Popular Mechanics gives us the new line of exuberance: I challenge you to not want at least one of them…
It’s a distinctly American trait to want what’s next—even before it’s here. Yes, Americans are spoiled, with too many choices in every genre of product, especially cars. But so what? This is the place where cars blossomed, where the first (and arguably best) car culture still exists. And where we haven’t stopped loving—and lusting after—the cool car around the next bend. With that in mind, here’s PM’s calendar of 12 cool cars under $50,000 that will go on sale in the next 18 months
Michael Frank
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