Senior House Republican Kevin Brady (R-TX) has come out swinging on the President’s final agreement on Iran’s nuclear program:
“Congress will have time to assess the proposed Iran agreement, but clearly this is not about Republican versus Democrats, it’s about true security versus false security at a key moment in global history. Does President Obama’s agreement stop Iran’s nuclear capability for the long term? Does it prevent the spread of nuclear weapons in the Middle East? And does it make America and our allies like Israel safer? I suspect the answer to all three is ‘no’.
Nothing less than complete dismantling of Iran’s nuclear program is acceptable.”
On May 22, 2015, the President signed into law H.R. 1191, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which requires Congress be given an opportunity to review any final international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program before the President could waive or suspend any sanctions on Iran that were imposed by Congress. Under this law, the President has five days to submit to Congress the text of the agreement and all related materials.