By Joe Messina, Special for USDR
I believe in giving people many chances… as long as they are willing to work at correcting it. I never fired anyone for making mistakes at work, as long as I knew we had properly instructed them in their duties, that they were working at making it better, and that the mistake, though possibly costing the company money, was an honest mistake and not malicious in any way. We always gave them a numerous chances, unless the person made no effort to fix the behavior or patterns causing the issues.
Some employees come into a job thinking they have all the answers, they know better than the boss, and they could actually run the company better than anyone else. In most cases they are dead wrong! I also found that in most cases, when I gave these people management responsibilities to prove a point, I was right and they would fail miserably. Interestingly, they would always blame it on someone else. Sound like someone you know?
Me too. Enter Mr. Obama.
First let me say, don’t waste the electrons writing emails to me telling me how other Administrations have lied to us in the past. Like the national debt, Mr. Obama and his Administration have racked up lying stats as never seen before in this nation’s history. It’s almost like their M.O. (modus operandi) is to tell everything in lie format that way you never have to worry about the truth.
There are more and more “main stream” journalists and news reporters coming out in agreement that this Administration will be known as the most secretive Administration ever! In Sharyl Attkisson’s book “Stonewalled” she goes over story after story (confirmed) as to how this Administration purposely mislead the news media or didn’t answer questions all together with intent to keep them in the dark from what really happened in situations like Benghazi, the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious, and Obamacare.
Do you know that not once, not one time, has this Administration come out to the podium on the first round and admitted to making a mistake and shared how they were going to fix it? And when they finally do admit to the “mistake,” they blamed it on another agency or someone else.
My new question is… Is lying just part of being a Democrat? I hope not. I have many friends that are Democrats. They are nothing like those on Capitol Hill. Mr. Obama, Mr. Reid, Mrs. Pelosi, Mr. Holder, just to name a few, have been caught in “serial lies.” They work off of each other to keep a lie in the air and Americans confused. But it’s not working.
According to inside sources, even Hillary Clinton had the good sense to back out of these issues. She refused to go out on the interview circuit days after the Benghazi attack because as she put it “I’m not going out into that mess.”
Yes, Obama “stays the course” of lie, lie, and keep lying some more until “they” finally believe it. I don’t know who “they” are any longer because fewer and fewer believe what he’s trying to sell.
Do you think, really think, the White House knew nothing of what Professor Gruber said this week. You know, that the healthcare bill was drafted to hide the fact that it was a tax and that they were banking on the ignorance of the American people’s blind trust in the president? Do you really think that Mr. Reid, Mrs. Pelosi, and Mr. Biden didn’t know how they were going to have to prostitute (no insult meant to prostitutes) themselves to sell this to the American people?
They launched a campaign to mislead The People into thinking that Republicans hate women, Republicans hate minorities, and that, simply put, Republicans only love the 1%-ers.
The sad thing about all of this is that it’s this Administration and this group of legislative Democrats who think the American people are too stupid to figure it out on their own. Their actions and words prove it! They would be found guilty in a court of law for all the lies they’ve told.
And here’s the icing on the cake this week! There is a Congresswoman who lost her legs while fighting in the Iraq. There are many upcoming caucus votes she would like to be in on, but she is in the final month of a high-risk pregnancy and her doctors won’t allow her to travel. Sadly, those ever-hating, old, white, male Republicans won’t allow it. Really?! No. Actually, the Congresswoman is a Democrat and Minority Leader Pelosi won’t allow it. She said it would set a bad precedent.
This is going on at the same time Democrats are pushing a “pregnant relief” bill for women and men. They want to force the big, bad, business people into making special arraignments for pregnant women and families.
All I have to say is, they are a bunch of liars and hypocrites! Talk is cheap, except when the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue gang gets their hands on it. Then it costs us big time!
How many chances are we going to give President Obama and the Democrat leadership before we fire them? Since “El Presidente” likes sports analogies, Mr. President, you and your team keep hitting fouls and missing the ball altogether. Strike 9! You’re outta here! (soon I hope)
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