By US Daily Review Staff.
Generation Opportunity President Paul T. Conway, former Chief of Staff of the United States Department of Labor (DOL) and the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) responds to the April 2012 jobs numbers:
“These numbers tell a heartbreaking story about the reality young Americans face each day. Young Americans continue to suffer the impacts of the President and his administration’s bad economic policies, the resulting poor economy, and the overall lack of opportunity. The administration has failed to listen closely to the needs of young adults – they want meaningful, full-time jobs in a career path of their choice to get on with their own lives. Instead, the Obama administration continues to push a vision that offers less hope and less opportunity. And all the while, administration officials appear on college campuses and at gatherings of young Americans across the country to brag about how the federal government is expanding to take over more of their healthcare, education, job training, and other decisions – where is the hope in that?”
Generation Opportunity commissioned a poll with the polling company, inc./WomanTrend (April 16 – 22, 2011, +/- 4% margin of error) and highlighted results for all young Americans ages 18-29 appears below:
Young Americans – Majority Disapprove of President Obama’s Management of Youth Unemployment, Washington Out-of-Touch:
- Just 31% of 18-29 year-olds approve of President Obama’s handling of youth unemployment.
- 69% say the current leadership in Washington fails to reflect the interests of the younger generation.
- 59% of overall Millennials agree the economy grows best when individuals are allowed to create businesses without government interference.
Young Americans – Lives and Dreams Delayed by the Poor Economy:
- 77% of young people ages 18-29 either have or will delay a major life change or purchase due to economic factors:
44% delay buying a home;
28% delay saving for retirement;
27% delay paying off student loans or other debt;
27% delay going back to school/getting more education or training;
26% delay changing jobs/cities;
23% delay starting a family;
18% delay getting married.
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