Even in this digital age, children love coloring books, but a group of patriots from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania hope that adults will enjoy them as well. They are looking to a new coloring book to spread the word on what they consider the top 15 reasons that Hillary should not be elected President in 2016.
One of the authors, John Charles of New York, says “Research tells us that one of the best ways to educate people is to make learning fun, and that is why we banded together to create Hillary’s Big Book Of Lies: A coloring and activity book to help expose truth. Contrary to what people may assume, we, the creators of the book, are not all Republicans, but we have put aside our differences to create this book to help explain, in the simplest way possible, why Hillary must not become President in 2016. We’re not anti-woman, we’re not anti-Democrat. We’re pro-American and simply put, Hillary is bad for America.”
Another of the authors, Michael Drake of New Jersey, adds, “We’ve turned to Kickstarter to crowdfund this book for several reasons; Conservatives are seen as being out of touch with technology, we’d like to show that ‘Conservative’ does not mean just an angry old man out of touch with anything that happened after WW2. There are many young conservatives and even older conservatives who fully embrace technology. It’s not just a ‘liberal thing.’ A group making a Hillary action figure raised over $26,000.00, shouldn’t a group of patriots looking to expose her lies and deceptions be able to raise at least $11,000.00? I worked in hardware for over 45 years and now the neighborhood hardware store is almost a thing of the past. America is like a hardware store and I don’t want to see it fade away. A lifelong Democrat, I voted for President Clinton, but now I have to say ‘Enough!’ and expose the lies and dangers of electing Hillary before this country has to hang up an Out Of Business sign like so many small town hardware stores.”
In addition to being able to buy a book for themselves, the HillarysBigBookOfLies.com crowdfunding program offers patrons an option to send a copy of the book to the White House, to the Senate, and to Congress. It is assumed the politicians will supply their own crayons. The crowdfunding campaign can be accessed at HillarysBigBookOfLies.com or athttps://www.kickstarter.com/projects/980081361/hillarys-big-book-of-lies-coloring-book and the authors urge supporters to make their purchases ASAP because of the time limit for funding.