Charlie Daniels writes that his son got a cancellation notice from Obamacare, and that all of his employees are being affected:
“We have an insurance plan for our employees, which they can either enroll in or we give them the cash equivalent. Just the other day, my office manager told me that next September changes will be coming down that will affect our coverage. What the changes and their ramifications will be, we have no way of knowing and so we join the rest of American businesses in Obamacare Limbo.
“At present I have thirty employees, many of them who have been with me for over thirty years, who will, to one degree or anotherbe affected.
“My son recently received word from his insurance carrier that his current policy would eventually be cancelled; the only reasons being that it doesn’t meet the new Obamacare requirements and he made a change after the Affordable Care Act was passed.”
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