Obamacare Horror Stories Campaign

Read Time:2 Minute, 51 Second

By CAGW, Special for USDR





Today, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) released the first group of Obamacare Horror Stories it has received from its members. Hundreds of CAGW members shared their own experiences with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on February 26, 2014 dismissed the multitude of news stories detailing bureaucratic ineptitude, policy cancellations, exorbitant premium hikes, soaring out-of-pocket costs, and patients’ losing their doctors as,“… tales, stories made up from whole cloth, lies … CAGW members’ personal experiences with the ACA track uniformly with those of millions of other Americans. As Obamacare becomes more embedded in the healthcare sector and many of the law’s delayed provisions begin to kick in over the next year, even more Americans will experience its harmful consequences. Two of the horror stories from CAGW members are highlighted in part below:



“This law is an unmitigated disaster – destruction of the best healthcare on the planet for the transparent purpose of wealth redistribution, and no one is being held accountable.”



Michael W. from California:

Michael, a biotech entrepreneur and consultant from San Diego, built two successful drug companies, employing hundreds of people nationwide. Since the 1990s, he used Aetna for his companies’ and later as his family’s health insurance provider. His family plan was cancelled in June, 2013 due to non-compliance with Obamacare regulations. Michael was forced to accept a policy from Blue Shield to maintain similar benefits but now must pay 40 percent more for his premium and has had to find alternative physicians, as many of his previous physicians are no longer “in-network.” Michael states, “This law is an unmitigated disaster – destruction of the best healthcare on the planet for the transparent purpose of wealth redistribution, and no one is being held accountable.”



Reginald R. from North Dakota:

Reginald said it took almost 20 years for his Blue Cross Blue Shield premiums to go from $350 a month to $738 a month. Since passage of Obamacare, his premiums have gone from $738 to $1,261 a month. He just received a rate increase and his premium will cost an additional $181 for a total of $1,442 per month. While President Obama promised the law would save American families an average of $2,500 a year in premium costs, the reality is Reginald’s plan will cost him nearly $8,500 more a year.



“Although proponents of Obamacare refuse to admit its failures, the numerous responses that CAGW has received from its membership to this campaign make clear the negative impact this healthcare ‘reform’ law has had on the nation’s healthcare system. Unfortunately, if Obamacare is not repealed or drastically reformed, these horror stories will not end,” said CAGW President Tom Schatz. “The cuts to Medicare Advantage plans in order to help pay for Obamacare, combined with the cancelled health insurance plans that Americans liked and were promised they could keep, skyrocketing premiums, and high out-of-pocket costs, are harming millions of Americans. CAGW will continue to share these horror stories as it is imperative to spread the truth about Obamacare through the words of real Americans who are suffering the consequences of this harmful law.”



Citizens Against Government Waste is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, mismanagement and abuse in government.




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