By Personhood USA, Special for USDR
Voters made a historic decision in South Carolina yesterday as 79% of Republicans called for a personhood amendment to the state constitution that would guarantee equal protection under the law to preborn children, from the moment of conception.
The landslide majority, gathering nearly a quarter of a million affirmative votes, is the largest show of support by percentage in any public vote held on personhood.
“The sweeping success of the personhood resolution is a mandate to all lawmakers in South Carolina,” said Keith Mason, President of Personhood USA. “Overwhelming grassroots support for personhood demonstrates the rapid growth our movement, and sends a clear message for politicians to step up to the plate and represent the views of their constituents.”
South Carolina is also a crucial test for potential presidential candidates in 2016. The state’s presidential primary is considered a make-or-break test for Republicans seeking the nation’s highest office.
“If any 2016 Republican Presidential candidate expects to do well in the crucial South Carolina primary,” Mason continued, “that candidate cannot forget that 79% of the base believes preborn children deserve full Personhood protections. These are the statistics candidates cannot ignore.”
The overwhelming support for personhood in South Carolina adds to the momentum of the nationwide personhood movement, which has several state constitutional amendments on the ballot in 2014.
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