By US Daily Review Staff.
Physicians need to work with their patients to take back medicine—now. This was the message of a number of physicians’ groups meeting last weekend in San Diego.
“We can’t wait for Congress to ‘fix’ the problems in American medicine,” said Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). “After all, the government created the problems in the first place.”
The doctors call for repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, often known as “ObamaCare”), and had a spirited discussion on ideas for making medical care more affordable and available for all.
“The patient/physician relationship is one of the most important and most trusted relationships Americans have with anyone,” stated Dr. Marcy Zwelling. “PPACA destroys that relationship, takes away choice, and makes care and insurance so much more expensive that doctors fear that there will be fewer opportunities for their patients.”
Dr. Zwelling organized the conference along with Dr. Adam Dorin, founder of America’s Medical Society (AMS). Other groups represented at the conference included the Doctor Patient Medical Association (DPMA) and Docs4PatientCare (D4PC).
Congressman Duncan Hunter and congressional candidates Dr. Wayne Iverson and Dr. Marilyn Singleton spoke. Californiaphysician Arnold Zeiderman moderated a forum of all seven Republican contenders seeking a chance to oppose Sen. Dianne Feinstein: John Boruff, Greg Conlon, Elizabeth Emken, Dan Hughes, Al Ramirez, Nachum Shifren, and Orly Taitz.
Meeting participants had their questions for their congressional delegation or Cabinet members videotaped by Tim Yale of
Dr. Kathleen Brown of Coos Bay, Oregon, asks Rep. Peter DeFazio: “Will you ensure I can work directly for my patients without government control and restrictions?”
Dr. Michael Couris of San Diego, noting that we are on a path to medical rationing, asks Rep. Susan Davis: “Will you support private ownership of healthcare and keep us from being the next example of failed healthcare systems like Canada andGreece?”
Dr. Jane Orient of Tucson, Arizona, asks Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: “Do Americans lose the right to spend their own money to buy a medical service from a physician just by signing up for Medicare?”
“Doctors are going to be leading the conversation about healthcare reform across every form of media, TV, radio, print news and the internet,” said Dr. Zwelling. “Our silence is over.”
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