Political Correctness IS a Form of Hate

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By Joe Messina, Special for USDR




I am often accused of hate for many reasons. My stance on gay marriage, abortion, minimum wage, illegal immigration, or the war on women. You know, all the hot buttons that immediately label you as a hater. So says “the tolerant group.” Interesting!

By definition of the left, a hater is one that doesn’t agree with you, period! (Have you heard that before?) The most recent example of this was during a Dallas talk show where 4 women were discussing the terrible things a football player tweeted out when he saw Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend. The women were split. Two held the notion that they felt too big of a deal was being made about everything. Why did we have to see the kiss over and over? Why did the football player who Tweeted out his comments have to take “sensitivity” training? His Tweets were classified as hate speech.



Webster’s defines hate as:

1.. to feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone), “the boys hate each other”.

2.. have a strong aversion to (something). “he hates flying”,

3.. express strong dislike for; criticize or abuse. “I can’t hate on them for trying something new”



Since we are talking about hating people here, let’s stick with the first definition. The assumption is that because I don’t agree with “same sex marriage”, “abortion”, and “immigration” that I HATE all those involved.



If we are going to communicate with each other, and we know communication can make or break a relationship, we need to speak the same language. If you are going to call me a hater, racist, homophobe, or bigot should we not be using the same meaning from the same widely accepted dictionary?



Let’s break it down. Based on Webster’s dictionary, if I don’t agree with and feel strongly against abortion and/or dislike abortion then a true statement would be I hate abortion. However, also based on the Webster’s definition I do not hate the person who performed or had the abortion because I don’t have an intense or passionate dislike for the person, just the act!



To communicate clearly we have to speak the same language with the same understanding. Definitions for racist, homophobe, bigot, and so on have to have the same meanings for all or they mean nothing.



On the Dallas talk show, 2 of the women felt it was more than appropriate that Dolphins defensive back, Dan Jones, was fined, suspended, and ordered to go to sensitivity training over his “terrible” remarks on Twitter. The other 2, one an older woman (can I say older woman without being fined) felt that this was a very slippery slope and that the idea that one was not free to voice their displeasure with the action of another person in the view of the public was knocking at the front door of suppressing free speech. I agree.



The Left keeps gnawing at you when they don’t like your opinion about someone or something adding “ist” and “phobe” to the word so others will get the impression that you are a very bad person.



This tolerant, understanding, forgiving, big-tent group only has tolerance for those who don’t have a conservative bone in their body, as is evidenced on Twitter every time a conservative takes a stand on the issue!



Liberal journalist Juan Williams was fired because he said he felt nervous when he was on a plane with a group of “Muslim” or “Arab”-looking men. That’s the hypocrisy of the Left.



If they are offended by seeing a crucifix on the wall at an Easter event, and Easter bunny at a school Easter event, a nativity scene at a Christmas event, the ten commandments on the courthouse wall, a picture of a man and woman with the caption “traditional marriage” and, in response, we immediately have to take it down, cover it up, and apologize, then why is it when a conservative is offended by a same sex kiss, Jesus on a crucifix placed upside down in a bottle of urine and called art, a Planned Parenthood advertisement, Jesus on a cross with tattoos and a joint in his mouth and complains about it, we are chastised for being uptight and out of the mainstream? Double standard? Hypocrites, that’s all it is, old-fashioned (I said it) hypocrites. Just to be clear, Webster defines hypocrite as “a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs.”



So when you Left-leaners say you want everyone to be open and transparent and you don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t say what they feel or express themselves, what you really mean is, everyone has the right to say something as long as they are not religious or straight, don’t believe in traditional marriage, don’t subscribe to “your kids belong to you and not the village”, don’t believe in lower taxes, don’t think corporations are good, and don’t think that white people are the basis of the problem. If they believe the president is wrong on foreign policy, economic policy, health care policy, or just plain wrong for this country then they are the problem and (for my Catholic friends) the Mortal Sin is simply, you are a registered Republican.



Political correctness, by its nature, is against anything that says, feels, or does something that may make someone feel bad about themselves or what they are doing. It is hate by the very definition!



Political correctness needs to die a hard fast death!



America, wake up, or you’re gonna lose this country!



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