By Malcolm Out Loud, Contributor, US Daily Review.
Companies are not expanding, entrepreneurs are not starting as many new companies and people are simply not in a courageous mood. American ingenuity and confidence is at an all time low. Yet there are a myriad of opportunities that exist during a recession. Because so many companies have gone out of business there is a void which you may be able to fill. A recession is the perfect time to expand your world.
Many companies are in safe-mode so they’ve hunkered down, no expansion, no advertising, no marketing, etc. These companies are waiting for the storm to pass. Someone will fill that need in the marketplace, why not you? The biggest complaint I hear is that capital is not available. Let me tell you there have been plenty of highly successful people that built their fortune on a shoe-string. Today with the advent of the internet and in our 24/7 news driven world, there are many ways to get your message out there that simply didn’t exist twenty years ago.
If you have lost your job and you’re one of those folks not being counted in the unemployment numbers because it’s been so damn long, try your hand at something different. What is it that you’re most excited about and how can you make money at it? This may be the perfect opportunity for you to look around you and by all means look in the mirror and discover what excites you in life – do something you love! It’s a proven fact that people make more money and are happier when fulfilling their dreams than experiencing the aggravation of a dead-end job that has zero potential.
Risk: The quote from Robert Collier tells the story “Playing safe is probably the most unsafe thing in the world. You cannot stand still. You must go forward.” The one thing you can expect by playing it safe is ‘predictability’. For many, predictability is not a bad thing. Being risk adverse will keep you in your comfort zone alright, problem is you’ll never experience anything more than an average life. Every good idea has a greater return if you push beyond average. Be willing to break through the boundaries until you arrive at the absurd stage.
Rejuvenate: Stagnation is an innovation killer. Those that are able to reinvent themselves time and again; win. Taking defeat and turning it into victory is the sign of a winner. Not just the first time, but the fifth and eight time as well. It is about making yourself and keeping yourself relevant. You can never tell on the surface which idea is the best idea. I see too many people who put all their effort in one direction, while never taking chances in other areas of their life. Keep turning every rock over, one of those rocks will be underlined with gold.
Reward: Without a doubt, if you’re willing to risk it all. If you can rejuvenate yourself no matter the circumstances. Chances are the rewards will be much greater. After you’ve gone through the question everything – leave no stone unturned stage – you’ll find yourself in the valley of the absurdity. The idea that nobody has tried this before, that’s the idea you want. If you can get your idea through the absurd stage, you will be rewarded. You’ll arrive at the Brink. The Brink of a great idea is the essence of following your dreams even when it seems impractical.
If your are willing to risk, and you can rejuvenate your current circumstances, then the greater the reward. Break through the boundaries of your current circumstances, become more absurd in your thinking and you’ll become the Brink Thinker that you always knew you could be.
Time to Get Involved, Get Loud & Think on the Brink
About Malcolm Out Loud:
Social and political news commentator Malcolm Out Loud is also the host of WebTV show Malcolm Out Loud TV, an acclaimed motivational speaker, founder of Brink Thinking and the author of the book Smash The Competition.
More about him at www.MalcolmOutLoud.TV
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