Saturday, November 30, 2013 is Small Business Saturday® – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. Please join the SBA and organizations across the country in supporting your local small business by shopping at a small business.
How You Can Participate
For shoppers
- Find participating small businesses in your area
For small business owners
- Read the transcript of our Holiday Marketing Tips & Ideas web chat to learn how to maximize your holiday profit and increase sales volume
- Get advice on how to prepare for the holiday season on our Small Business Matters blog:
- Get free Small Business Saturday® marketing materials – including sample posters, press releases, and social media updates
- Get free Small Business Saturday® educational materials from Twitter – including tips for writing Tweets to stand out and excite followers, plus how to launch exclusive promotions
- Join Small Business Saturday® on Facebook and spread the word on other social media
For partner organizations and other government agencies
- Follow, friend, and like SBA on social media for all the latest updates on #SmallBizSat
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