President Obama’s growing use of executive power to change laws by decree is “profoundly dangerous,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told radio host Mark Levin last night.
Mark Levin: “Are you concerned about this growing use of executive power to change a statute, to decide waivers and delays and you’re going to allow this group and allow that group?”
Sen. Ted Cruz: “It is one of the most profoundly troubling aspects of the Obama administration, is the degree to which this is a lawless administration. Looking at the president’s speech today, where he simply says, “Okay, these parts of the law, we’re not going to enforce.”
“Article Two of the Constitution puts a responsibility on the president to ‘take care that the law be faithfully executed.'”
“Not only does this president not take care to faithfully execute the laws, but, throughout his administration, we’ve never seen a president that picks and chooses the way this president does.”
“He says, ‘Immigration laws, I’m not going to enforce those. Drug laws, I’m not going to enforce those. Obamacare, well, I’m not going to enforce it against Big Business, I’m not going to enforce it against members of Congress, and now, I’m going to pick some of your plans, if I like them, I won’t enforce it against them – except on alternate Tuesdays when I’m wearing a yellow hat.'”
“It is the antithesis of rule of law. It is rule by arbitrary whim and discretion. And, as you know well, that is profoundly dangerous. For millennia, we had societies where monarchs ruled by whim. And, the natural result of that is tyranny and loss of freedom of the citizenry.”
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