The Role of Literature in Foreign Language Acquisition

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There has been a rising need to acquire other languages for communication purposes. Globalization has helped people of different languages come together and work together. Thereby, the need to pass information to each other becomes necessary. This is only achievable if people learn and acquire other languages that are foreign or not their first language. It becomes necessary to put into consideration already accepted means of language acquisition to gain better usage of the language and be competent. One of the methods that have been proven effective to learn a new language is the use of literature. Students can get any resources they need, such as reading material, sample questions, and more, from which is a great resource site for students of all  levels.

Literature can facilitate acquisition of a foreign language in the following described  ways.

Literary work and imparting new  language

Literature is crucial in passing knowledge on the four key skills related to a language – speaking, reading, listening, and writing. Despite being the norm to teach the four skills separately, it would be prudent that the four should be taught together when using literature as a teaching tool.. Foreign language teachers ought to view the four skills as a critical part of both oral and written language  use.

Literature and  reading

Teachers should take a student-centered and dynamic approach so that learners can grasp the literary materials. When teaching reading, a good starting point would be asking the student questions about the plot, the characters, and the setting of the chosen text. Students should first understand the literal aspect, then move to the inferential level. After gaining literal and inferential understanding, learners can then start investigating and interpreting various things such as characters, themes, and others. In this way, the student comes to grasp the language deeply and appreciate its vocabulary, figures of speech, and other  aspects.

Literary work contribution to  writing

Literature is a precious and dependable resource in building writing skills in foreign language. It serves as a model for students to refer to. Students will also be able to use literature as inspiration and write pieces just like the original piece in terms of style, content, organization. Literary works also provide themes to write about, offering pupils ideas about which they can start their  writing.

Speaking and listening lessons from  literature

When it comes to the acquisition of listening and speaking skills of a language, literature is such a valuable resource.  When learners take part in activities such as dramatization, oral reading, discussions, and activities in groups, they enhance their listening and speaking. By listening to various genres of literature, pupils learn how to bring out the correct stress of words and intonation, especially from poetry. Short stories facilitate students develop reading skills since they tend to be simpler than other genres. Drama can also be used as a language learning tool because it enables learners to understand the verbal and non-verbal aspects of the language being  taught.


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