Tragedy in South Carolina

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Once again an individual open fired on people in an act of violence.  In this case the alleged murderer, Dylaan Roof, age 21, seems to have been racially motivated in his actions.  After spending one hour in a church service at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC, he opened fire yelling racist insults.  Gun control advocates are saying that it is time to take a look at reeling in the selling of such weapons.  The reality is, one cannot under estimate the imagination of one committed to do evil.  If it wasn’t a gun, it could be knives or explosives, or any other variety of tools that he could use to do  harm.

Here is ow the media is treating the story:

The Daily  Mail:

The Blaze: Why Comment of Roof’s Facebook went  Viral:

The sole comment left on suspected killer Dylann Storm Roof’s Facebook page, which has since been removed, has been viewed millions of times as the nation struggles to process the horrific massacre that occurred in Charleston, South Carolina, on Wednesday  night.

Roof is accused of entering a historically black church on Wednesday night and opening fire, allegedly killing nine people. He was captured by police on Thursday. Many Americans have understandably reacted with anger towards a human being who could commit such an evil  act.

But one man, Marcus Stanley, had an incredibly profound message for… (read  more)

Fox 13: Details  Emerge

When Dylann Storm Roof turned 21 in April, his father bought him a .45-caliber gun, a senior law enforcement source briefed on the investigation said  Thursday.

It’s not known whether that handgun was used when Roof allegedly opened fire Wednesday night at a prayer meeting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, killing nine  people.

“You rape our women, and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go,” Sylvia Johnson, a cousin of the church’s slain pastor, said the gunman told his victims, according to CNN affiliate WIS. She cited survivors of the  shooting.

In the sparse details that have emerged about his life, none would suggest that he was capable of such hatred and  violence.

Police in his hometown of Columbia — about 120 miles northwest of Charleston — obtained a warrant for his arrest in early March. He had… (read  more)



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