Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day.
Did we learn so little about jihadism from the 7/7 bombings?
In Woolwich, the police were too slow off the mark and the politicians got the wrong end of the stick. Both groups need to focus hard
Even for liberals, Obama has crossed a line
Those who have spoken out against the President’s expansion of government power have been investigated and intimidated
Now we are offering asylum to mass murderers
How familiar are you with the Mungiki? Probably not very familiar at all. But this is the thing about living in a country which embraces the richness and vibrancy of diverse cultures; there’s always something new to learn about, every day is a day of discovery.
Woolwich attack: How far is Britain willing to go to prevent modern jihadis?
The choice is not only how hard we fight to protect ourselves, but what we are prepared to sanction in order to pre-empt attack
Can any government really expect to carry out ambitious reform?
That Universal Credit is one of the government projects at risk of failing is not a surprise, especially not if you’re a Spectator reader. We warned back in September 2012 that the Whitehall machine was already trying to put the brakes on the project.
Post-Woolwich, what should we be watching out for?
The full details of yesterday’s horrific murder in Woolwich, and the terrorists who carried it out, are yet to be revealed. With both suspects alive and in custody, albeit undergoing treatment for gunshot wounds, there is a reasonable prospect that we will learn a lot more in the coming weeks about their motivations, possible links to other individuals or groups and so on.
Woolwich attack: Why are young British men like my brother drawn to Islamic extremism?
Film maker Robb Leech explores the reasons why young Britons, like his stepbrother Richard Dart, are drawn to Islamic fundamentalism
Government behaving badly over ‘quietly aborted’ lobbying reform
This week Nick Clegg said he remained committed to introducing a statutory register of lobbyists despite the fact that a bill didn’t appear in the Queen’s Speech. If we were entering the final year of a Parliament this omission might be less surprising – it’s never going to be a big hit on the doorstep.
The West is fighting on behalf of ordinary Muslims – and winning
Our enemies are utterly misguided in their denunciation of Britain’s interventions overseas
Nothing to do with Islam?
Immediately after the 7/7 bombings the then police-chief Brian Paddick told a press conference: ‘Islam and terrorism do not go together.’ Now, after Woolwich, the Prime Minister has said, ‘There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.’
Woolwich was a case study in the banality – and the idiocy – of evil
We shouldn’t bother looking for any logic in attacks like these. There is none to be found
Woolwich is only the latest act of barbarism: Muslims, we must take on this cancer in our midst
There is a disconnect between community ‘elders’ and a younger generation
They sought weakness, but found only strength
The murderers of Drummer Lee Rigby will not have expected so robust a response to their barbarism
David Cameron is nearing crisis point
For David Cameron, Margaret Thatcher’s funeral must seem an awfully long time ago. Back then, all the talk was of a new Tory unity. He had found a way to connect with his troops. The party seemed to be rallying behind his electoral message.
Why it’s not the 1990s all over again for the Tories
The last twenty four hours have been a reminder of David Cameron’s poise as a national leader. He has the ability to project a sense of resolve and calm.
The lessons of Woolwich
Condemnation isn’t enough. Muslims must take ownership of the problem in their midst, and the war on terror must be rethought
Mum talked down Woolwich terrorists who told her: ‘We want to start a war in London tonight’
Exclusive: A cub scout leader confronted terrorists just seconds after they had beheaded a soldier asking them to hand over their weapons and warning them: “It is only you versus many people, you are going to lose.”
Woolwich attack: meat cleaver, knife and jihadist claims filmed on mobile
British soldier dead in suspected terror attack in London. Knife attack near barracks ‘an eye for an eye’, says suspect. Killing in street is ‘absolutely sickening’ says prime minister.
Major incident in South London with reports of shootings and a beheading
Reports suggest that a serving solider has been “hacked to bits” in Woolwich by two men with “meat cleavers” and guns
‘Soldier beheaded’ in Woolwich, south London
A British solider has been reported to have been beheaded on the streets of Woolwich, south east London by two men at 2:20pm afternoon. The BBC is reporting the murder may have been filmed over cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’ . ITV has released footage of a man carrying a bloodied knife saying ‘remove your governments – they don’t care about you.’
The Woolwich ‘beheading’ is straight out of al-Qaeda’s terror manual
The horrific killing in Woolwich, where a man believed to be a soldier based at the nearby Woolwich barracks was beheaded by two machete-wielding assailants, has all the hallmarks of an al-Qaeda attack.
Woolwich attack: the aftermath
Westminster and Whitehall are tonight trying to assess the implications of the brutal murder of a soldier in Woolwich. It is clear from the vile rant made by one of the men that this was an act of terror inspired by the ideology of radical Islamism. But what is not yet clear if this was an example of self-radicalistion or whether the attackers had any links to established terrorist organisations.
Gay marriage and the EU pile on the agony for the Tories, but Labour is leaching support
If he is to win back public trust, Labour leader Ed Miliband must tell voters what his spending plans entail
David Cameron has caused a crisis in conservatism
David Cameron’s letter to party members added insult to injury after a week of headlines about ‘Loongate’ and the Tory leadership’s decision to bulldoze through the Same Sex Marriage Bill with the help of Labour. He suggested that ‘you change things not be criticising from your armchair but by getting out and doing’.
The chasm that could swallow Cameron alive
The “loons” debacle helped to make last night’s vote on the Gay Marriage bill even more radioactive than it would otherwise have been
A healthy outcome
Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, must be brave, bold and radical in appointing Sir David Nicholson’s successor at the NHS
Never fall ill at a weekend – our out-of-hours health service is a disgrace
Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, will have heard countless stories like mine and in a speech tomorrow, he will pledge to improve out-of-hours GP care
Regulating utilities
David Cameron, Mr President?
Prime minister versus statesman: Andrew Hawkins looks at the value of running a presidential campaign to win voters’ hearts and minds
“The right hero” – Douglas Murray reviews Jesse Norman’s Burke biography.
The life, style and philosophy of the neglected founder of conservatism
Will Nigel Farage and UKIP help ditch Alex Salmond?
Yesterday’s Survation poll reported that UKIP (22%) are, for the moment, just two points behind the Tories (24%) and therefore and given the margin of error in these things possibly tied or even ahead of the senior governing party. Blimey!
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