By US Daily Review Staff.
Validas, a company that specializes in mobile intelligence, has unleashed a dramatic study linking politics and wireless data consumption habits. Using VERA, Validas’ patented “Big Data” analytics engine, the company isolated the average data consumption per wireless user across the 50 states (including Washington, D.C.) using a sample size of over 10,000 wireless bills. Overlaid onto a political map of America based on the 2008 Presidential election, the results suggest that Americans of all political stripes consume wireless data similarly, and may suggest trends to spot for the upcoming 2012 election.
Validas found that wireless consumers from Republican states averaged 447 Megabytes (MB) per month, while those in Democratic states were virtually a dead heat at 449MB per month. “It’s striking that Democratic and Republican states could be so close in how their citizens engage the wireless technology that is integral to many people’s lives,” said Dylan Breslin-Barnhart, VP of Communications at Validas.
Besides commonalities, could the wireless usage map also point to differences that might indicate who becomes the next President? Of the Top 10 states with the most average data usage per person, six voted Democratic (including Washington, D.C.) and four voted Republican in 2008. If those numbers switch this autumn, is that a good sign for Romney?
Or consider the two “swing” states in the Top 10: Missouri (Republican, 539MB average usage per person) and Virginia (Democratic, 654MB average usage per person). In splits like this, will the Presidency again go to whoever wins the swing state with greater average usage per person?
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