Today, radio host Rush Limbaugh joined Media Research Center Pres. Brent Bozell and three other conservative leaders in a statement blasting broadcast networks – ABC, CBS, and NBC for virtually eliminating coverage of the on-going IRS targeting scandal.
Since the news first broke that the IRS was targeting conservative groups – particularly the Tea Party – coverage by the Big Three news networks has evaporated, from 96 stories in the first two weeks to zero stories over nearly a month-long period:
- 96 stories in the first two weeks (May 10 through May 23),
- 32 stories in the subsequent weeks (May 24 through June 17),
- 11 from June 18 through June 28,
- Zero stories from June 28 until July 24, when CBS Evening News gave the scandal a minute and a half — the only network coverage for the entire month of July so far.
- “$70 million in bonuses to IRS agents, hundreds of millions of dollars of contracts granted to a business owner with a friend inside the agency,”
- “Agents abusing IRS credit cards to pay for such things as diet pills, romance novels and even online pornography,”
- “A Congressional hearing that ‘revealed that the IRS chief counsel’s office appears to have been directly involved in the IRS’s scheme to target Tea Party and conservative groups.’”
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