By Kevin Price, Publisher and Editor in Chief, US Daily Review.
If you pick up any newspaper or news magazine, watch TV or visit a political website, you will typically find one common theme. Governor Rick Perry is in trouble. In a shocking move, Herman Cain is pulling the race card on the governor because of the name of his hunting camp. Some argue it is well deserved in light of what Perry has called it. Candidate Michele Bachmann (R-MN) calls the governor’s botched HIV vaccine program “PerryCare” and draws its own unique, but disturbing, parallels with “ObamaCare.” Perry has also supported giving “in state” tuition rates for illegal immigrants, drawing fire from supporters among his core constituency. Then there was his effort to avoid an income tax a few years back by supporting a “Margin Tax,” that many economists argue was the biggest tax increase in the state’s history. This tax — on the overhead of doing business — is essentially “taxation without representation” of money actually made. There is more, in fact, when it comes to Perry there is a laundry list of criticism. In an article that I wrote about him several weeks ago I noted that I was arguing with myself about whether he should be taken seriously.
At this point, there is no choice but to take him seriously. Very serious, in fact. The so-called mainstream media clearly cannot stand Perry and they have made it clear they do not want him to win. In fact, in spite of the worst economy since the Great Depression, the press seems to be completely supportive of a second term for Barack Obama. Therefore, the GOP candidate they will eventually gravitate towards, we be the one least capable of beating Obama.
It is true, the press will run stories on Perry because they “sale” newspapers, draw audience, and all those other functions that keeps media “competitive.” But the level of criticism and the extent of it has more to do with the fear in the media towards anyone capable of taking out Obama. Rick Perry remains the most likely person able to do that, in my opinion, for several reasons:
- Fundraising ability. In 2008 Barack Obama out performed Gov. John McCain (R-AZ) approximately 10 to 1 in the money department. In fact, McCain had to depend on the much more restricted public funding, in order to limp along after he received the nomination. Meanwhile, Perry is a fundraising machine (like it or not), breaking the “fund raising record” as the chairman of the Republican Governors Association. National Public Radio is reporting that Perry raised upwards of $10 million in 6 weeks — a record for a GOP candidate.
- Most well rounded on base issues. Rick Perry — warts and all — is the nearest thing the American people have seen to a “Reagan conservative” since, well, Reagan. Reagan boasted of a “three legged stool” — national security, limited government, and social conservatism. Few of Perry’s opponents can match in rhetoric, or even record, of the Texas governor.
- Less “on the job training.” One of the many problems people have had with Obama was his lack of executive experience before running for President. In fact, more US lives were lost in Afghanistan in the first year of his Administration than in all the years combined, as he deliberated over 9 months on a strategy. “Deliberation” is a luxury of someone who serves in the legislative branch, not a chief executive. The only place you can find viable political executive experience is in a governor and Perry is the longest serving one in the country. There was a reason why we had not elected someone from the legislative branch in almost 50 years (John F. Kennedy being the last), it is because their only skill is typically criticism, not leadership.
- Creates the strongest contrast with Obama. The only way Barack Obama gets elected is if there is not enough contrast created between the GOP opponent and him. Former presidential candidate Rep. Thad McCotter (R-MI) said that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney would make a better “running mate” than opponent to Obama, in light of the fact that the president’s controversial healthcare program was based significantly on what is often called “RomneyCare.” If you are looking for a clear cut choice, few can compare to Rick Perry.
- Best jobs record. People can attempt to dismiss Perry’s jobs record, but it still stands true that Texas created more jobs during the time Obama has been president than all the other states combined. The only reason Texas unemployment is now pushing close to the national average is because of the sheer number of people who have made an exodus to the Lone Star state in pursuit of opportunity. Texas gained the most House seats of any state in the Union after the 2010 census, thanks to the huge shifts in population. Will Perry be harmed by the large layoffs of teachers due to cost cutting efforts in the past legislative session? Maybe, but it is still an impressive record on which to run for president.
I know, everyone you talk to says the Texas governor is in trouble. Particularly those in the media. I will begin to believe it is true when the media ignores him or even helps him to get the nomination, because, in the end, they clearly want Obama to be reelected.
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