By US Daily Review Staff.
The organization, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is coming out with strong rhetoric in its efforts to get a law in Alabama to become a model for the rest of the country. In a recent press release the organization stated that “While illegal immigrant supporters needlessly terrify children using them as political pawns, the national organization ALIPAC is launching an effort today to circulate Alabama’s new immigration enforcement legislation, HB 56 to other states. This effort is to both defend Alabama and recreate the mass exodus of illegal aliens seen recently in Alabama.”
“Alabama and Arizona have proven that even the mention of enforcing America’s popularly supported existing immigration laws and constitutional provisions lead to the massive, peaceful, and beneficial exodus of illegal immigrants,” said William Gheen President of ALIPAC. “That is why we are asking our supporters in all 50 states to immediately deliver copies of Alabama’s HB 56 to their state lawmakers with encouragement to pass a version in each state!”
ALIPAC describes itself as “the first national organization to come to the defense of Arizona and their historic SB 1070 by coordinating an effort to spread the law to other states.” While many other states began to quickly respond, progress was stalled by court decisions.
In the case of Alabama’s HB 56, most of the law was recently upheld by U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Blackburn clearing the way for other states to follow Alabama’s lead with this legislation. In other words, states are being encouraged to make adjustments in their bills to reflect Alabama’s language.
Judge Blackburn also refused to block the law during the appeal process at the request of Obama’s U.S. Justice Department and a coalition of other “illegal alien invasion supporting groups” (as stated by ALIPAC) represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the National Immigration Law Center. This is the same US Justice Department which is currently being investigated by Congress for buying assault weapons for “illegal alien drug smugglers.”
“The Obama administration is once again siding with foreign powers allowing Mexico to attack a state like Alabama. A state that is stepping up to the plate to represent the vast majority of Americans who want American jobs, taxpayer resources, elections, and their very lives protected from this illegal immigrant invasion of America” said William Gheen. “We stand with the innocent American Defenders on this issue. We stand with Alabama and encourage our home states to come to Alabama’s aid by immediately filing and passing improved versions of HB 56!”
Copies of Alabama’s HB 56 are being circulated by ALIPAC’s network of online activists who have been credited with defeating many pro illegal alien laws and Amnesty bills while working to pass immigration enforcement laws in more than 30 states. Alabama’s HB 56 now replaces Arizona’s commendable SB 1070 as ALIPAC’s “flagship legislation” for the states in 2011 and 2012.
The main provisions of HB 56 approved by the courts to go into effect already include: Requirements for aliens to carry documentation at all times, allowing law enforcement to detain those they have “reasonable suspicion” of being in the country unlawfully, requiring schools to collect information on the immigration status of students enrolling in school, and forbidding state and local agencies from doing business with undocumented aliens.
According to ALIPAC, the organization is America’s “third largest national organization fighting against illegal immigration and any form of Amnesty for illegal aliens by simply supporting the adequate enforcement of our existing immigration and border laws. With over 40,000 supporters in ALIPAC’s national network, the group has the ability to spread laws like HB 56 quickly and efficiently.”
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