By The Price of Business (1110 AM KTEK, Houston, TX is the sister radio program of US Daily Review and is Hosted by USDR Publisher and Managing Editor, Kevin Price). These are interviews Kevin Price had with his contributors and guests.
Radio Host, Kevin Price and Chris Kidd, Financial Coach and Contributor on the Price of Business on Business Talk 1110 AM KTEK (on Bloomberg’s home in Houston), recently interviewed Sports & Business Attorney, Roger R. Quiles, Esq. Roger joined Chris Kidd and
Kevin Price to talk about O’Bannon v. NCAA, the case over whether a student athlete should be entitled to financial compensation for the NCAA’s commercial use of their images. Roger mentioned that he discovered Sports Law while in laws school, “At the time Derrell Revis was in
the middle of a holdout of the 2010 season, and I really started looking into the different causes as to why holdouts occur, and then also why they occur in football and not so much other sports like baseball.” Roger Quiles has published several articles on recent and emerging issues in
Sports Law and Business Law, including a recent in-depth article on O’Bannon v. NCAA.
Check out that interview here.
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