A recently published book, Global Terrorism and its Effect on Humanity, provides a well-researched primer on all aspects of terrorism – including its causes, recruitment tactics, methods used, and terrorists’ agendas — and concludes with a solution on how we can fight to end the costly war on terrorism. Further, it shows the psychological, physical, political, sociological, and economical toll of the war on terrorism on America –and its lasting impact upon humanity and human rights.
Written from the unique multi-cultural vantage point of a global scholar, businessman and political activist, Nigerian native Abayomi Nurain Mumuni, his book explains how the war on terrorism will end.
He firmly states: “The risk of terrorism in the United States could be reduced if officials reallocated hundreds of billions of dollars per year in domestic spending to homeland security measures, significantly curtailed civil liberties to ensure that no potential terrorists were on the streets, and invaded and occupied countries that might one day support or sponsor terrorism. Pursuing that goal in this way, however, would have costs that would vastly outweigh the benefits of reaching the goal, even if reaching it were possible. No sensible person would propose any of these measures, because the consequences of the solutions would be less acceptable than the risks themselves.”
Global Terrorism and its Effect on Humanity defines the impact and state of terrorism in the 21st century. The author believes – and hopes — that eventually Muslims will turn against their extremists and stop terrorism from within its ranks. He also believes the solution to terrorism includes bringing peace to the Middle East and for the United States to avoid further fighting in Iraq.
“The United States and its allies will win the war only if they fight it in the right way – with the same sort of patience, strength, and resolve that helped win the Cold War and with policies designed to provide alternative hopes and dreams to potential enemies,” concludes the author. “The war on terror will end with the collapse of the violent ideology that caused it – when bin Laden’s cause comes to be seen by its potential adherents as a failure, when they turn against it and adopt other goals and other means.”
SOURCE Abayomi Nurain Mumuni