By Jeremy Morris, Associate Editor, US Daily Review.. Source: Asurion.
Summer “Phone Burn” Fast Facts
- More cell phone issues happen in July than any other month
- 80 percent of issues happen within the first year of owning a phone
- More claims are filed during 4th of July holiday than any other time of year
- Average cost to replace a smartphone can be $500- $700
Asurion, a technology protection service, recently released consumer cell phone insurance data highlighting that many mobile phone mishaps happen during summer, and is reminding consumers to protect their cell phones and smartphones while on vacation and enjoying the warm weather.
According to Asurion’s 2011 data, July is a particularly dangerous time for mobile phones, with consumers filing more handset insurance claims that month than any other. As people enjoy time outdoors during weekends and over the Independence Day holiday, mobile phones are increasingly lost, damaged or stolen. The days immediately after the July Fourth holiday, more claims were made than at any other time of the year. Water-related damage is particularly high in July; in fact, Asurion saw more water damage issues than any other month, followed by June and August, respectively.
Whether it’s a day at the beach or at the pool, having cell phone insurance not only provides peace of mind but may also save consumers a significant amount of money. Asurion’s data shows that 80 percent of issues happen within the first 12 months of phone activation, and most mobile phone users are not aware that the replacement price of a smartphone can be upwards of $500 – $700, more than double the price paid by consumers at the time they signed their multi-year carrier contracts. With a reasonable deductible far less than manufacturers’ retail pricing, cell phone insurance can be very cost effective.
“Our mobile phones are our connection. It doesn’t matter if we are at the beach, on a boat, or hiking through the woods, we keep our phone near,” said Bettie Colombo, spokesperson for Asurion. “Our service plays a vital role in ensuring you can stay connected while enjoying the summer and if you have an accident, you can find, secure or replace that lifeline at a cost far less than full retail.”
In addition to protecting your device with insurance, Asurion’s GottaHaveMyMobile website offers these, and other, helpful tips to help keep your phone safe from any summer fun related accidents:
- A growing number of waterproof cases are on the market designed to protect phones when submerged in water for a limited amount of time.
- A good cell phone cover is an easy and inexpensive way to prevent scratching, cracks and other external damage.
- A transparent film screen protector can prevent the screen from scratching while also helping to remove glare.
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