While toasting Pres. Obama at a State dinner on Tuesday, France’s President Francois Hollande declared an end to the Iranian nuclear threat.
Hollande told attendees at the White House South Grounds Tent that he and Obama have successfully eliminated the “threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon”:
“Together, we have removed the unacceptable threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon, and we have succeeded in reaching an interim agreement. In Syria, we together removed — through resorting to the threat of force — the threat of a worsening situation, and we managed to force the regime of Bashar al-Assad to accept the destruction of his stockpiles of chemical weapons. And again, together, we are looking resolutely together for a political outcome so desperately needed.”
But, Iran’s foreign minister has told CNN that the White House’s spin of the agreement is inaccurate, since the deal does not stop Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear program and Iran “did not agree to dismantle anything”:
“Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif insisted Wednesday that the Obama administration mischaracterizes concessions by his side in the six-month nuclear deal with Iran, telling CNN in an exclusive interview that ‘we did not agree to dismantle anything.'”
“Iranian officials have called the interim pact a victory and said it failed to halt the nation’s nuclear development program, while U.S. officials say the agreement essentially froze Iran’s nuclear program and rolled back some capabilities.”
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