How to Know Your Guest Posting is Working

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One of the best and most widely used ways of increasing online presence for one’s brand is guest blogging. It’s an affordable way of gaining access to new prospects, improve traffic to your site, and enhance your brand as an industry  authority.

While most guest bloggers can send excellent email pitches, create great content, and get published on great sites, there is one thing they might not know how to measure the effectiveness of their guest posting efforts  accurately.

Most online marketing companies tend to focus on estimating potential search ranking as the only measure of the efficiency of their  campaigns.

But that is not the only measure.  In fact, it may not even be the  best.

Here are some pointers from SEO  authorities:

1. Does the guest post offer value to the  reader?

If your guest post doesn’t add value to the blog readers, you just wasted your time (and possibly money), and the reader’s time as well. Therefore, find out if you have created quality content that readers will find informative or at least,  interesting.

Your content must have the following  elements.

  • Offers ideas to take away, or even a call to action. Focus on offering worthwhile insights rather than rehashing what other articles have discussed a thousand  times.
  • Take a problem solving approach. There are enough pieces of poor content online and don’t be the next person to include an extra piece of useless content. Your guest post should offer a real world solutions to problem  problems.
  • Helps the users to make the sound choice. Your content should help the reader to understand the similarities and differences between various issues and products. That way, they can end up making the sound  choices.

To find out the value your guest posting is having to your readers, ask yourself the simple question, “Has my content offered information to improve the lives of the site  visitors?”

If your answer is “yes,” you can congratulate yourself.  Keep creating those kind of  posts.

2. Seek help from the site  owner

Bloggers accept guest posts because they may not have the time to create the content or need a different perspective on their websites. Therefore, your content should add at least the same value as a post created by the site owner.  It should complement the other content on the site, although there is no need for it to be the  same.

So, how will you know how your post is  performing?

  • Check feedback from readers: positive comments likely mean your post is helping and the blog owner or admin is likely to invite you to more guest  posts.
  • Engagement: was your post shared on social media platforms significantly? Did it attract additional comments? Readers will always engage with excellent  content.
  • Minimal back-and-forth: Minimal or no back-and-forth between the blog owner and you mean that you created great content.  Having contributors should make life easier for the owner, not more  challenging.

3. Direct  traffic

An excellent guest post will drive more traffic to one’s website. When web users find your guest post informative and helpful, they are more likely to click the links on that post in order to pursue more great  content.

Note that when USA Daily Times asked blogger outreach agency, Caffeinated, they said “If you write informative, interesting posts specifically tailored to a websites audience and your bio is well-written, you’re likely to have tons of traffic to your site. Since you can easily measure traffic to your site, it becomes easier to estimate the performance of your guest posts and  articles.”

4. Post shares and re-post  requests

A guest post that receives several shares and re-posts requests, one can assume it is performing better than one that receives few or no shares at all. Therefore, it’s wise to take one’s time to understand what makes readers share and r-epost content and then work hard to assure that your guest post has those  elements.

5. Check the leads referred to your  site

Another excellent way of measuring the performance of an article is by reviewing the leads referred to your website. If your guest post demonstrates expertise, you will attract leads to your site. You may receive a request for your services or more information about your products and services. Therefore, when creating an article, focus on positioning yourself as an  authority.

Measuring the performance of your guest posts is an outstanding way of estimating whether your guest posting efforts are worth the time or not. Therefore, keep an eye on signals such as traffic to your site, social media engagement, invitations to write more guest posts, and email  signups.

Learn more about sites we work with (including this one) that often look for guest posts by visiting here. Also, email to learn more about the posting guidelines of these  sites. 


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