By FRC, Special for USDR
Today, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins joined U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) at a news conference with other pro-life and pro-family leaders to discuss the introduction of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in the U.S. Senate. The House version of the bill passed last month and will be introduced in the Senate today by Senator Graham. This bill will prohibit late c on unborn babies after five months after fertilization due to unborn babies’ ability to feel pain.
Mr. Perkins gave the following comments at the news conference:
“America is one of only seven nations in the world that allow abortion at any time for any reason after the fifth month after conception. As far as human rights go, the fewer things America has in common with the evil regimes of North Korea and China the better. And it’s time for us, as Americans, to leave this club of seven.
“Last month, in large part due to the diligence and commitment of many here in this room today, we celebrated a great victory in the House when the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act was passed overwhelmingly on the second anniversary of the conviction of the infamous abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell; for his crimes against, not just babies, but their mothers as well.
“Remember, abortion is not just about ending the life of a baby, but in many cases it’s about robbing the future of a mother. The brutality of what Dr. Gosnell did is underscored by the fact that many of the babies that he killed outside the womb by ‘snipping their spinal cord’ would have experienced the same excruciating pain if killed while still in the womb.
“We wholeheartedly support this measure and will work with Senator Graham and his colleagues to pass this bill.
“I call upon President Obama and his party to withdraw their opposition to this bill; and I call upon President Obama to pledge his support for this measure that would help bring his administration’s policies in line with his political rhetoric,” concluded Perkins.
Mr. Perkins’ full comments can be found here:
SOURCE Family Research Council