By Fenton Communications, Special for USDR
Fenton, the social change agency, announced today the Protect Progress Network, a 50-state effort to protect progressive policies and programs for all Americans. The growing network is composed of activists, allied organizations, progressive consultants and philanthropists who will monitor and defend progressive policies and advocate for solutions to the country’s most entrenched problems.
Karen Hinton, Fenton’s Chief Strategy Officer, said, “With so much under attack in public health, education, the environment and civil liberties, we need to partner with those who share our mission to protect American progress. We are building a network that includes communications experts throughout the country to ensure progressive voices are heard.”
Members of the network can expect to receive information on events across the country and opportunities to work together. The network will facilitate dialogue about the progressive agenda and create a forum for members of the progressive community to share ideas and unite campaign efforts for maximum impact. To join, sign up at More details about the network and its activities will be announced in the months to come.
One of the network’s initial members is Russ Swindell, Client Strategist for Public Policy Polling in Raleigh, N.C. Swindell said, “Public Policy Polling is committed to protecting progress as we work with allies to expose leaders who are out of touch with Americans.”
“The Protect Progress Network is a sanctuary that embraces and protects the most vulnerable among us,” stated Dr. Polly Baca, President and CEO of Baca Barragan Consultants, which is based in Denver, Colo.
Valarie De La Garza, who joined Fenton last November as the Managing Director in Los Angeles, stated, “We look forward to working with people from all backgrounds, races and ethnicities to ensure their civil rights are protected.”
“Under the new administration, we need to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the climate scientists who speak out about the planetary emergency we face,” stated Jules Kortenhorst, Protect Progress Network member and CEO of the Rocky Mountain Institute, which is based in Boulder, Colo.
“I’m itching for a fight. The Network puts us in the ring together,” stated Karen Topakian, who chairs the board of directors of Greenpeace Inc., owns Topakian Communications and is based in San Francisco, Calif. “I’m ready to put everything I’ve got — my organizing, fundraising and communications skills, and commitment to nonviolence — into resistance against the Trump Reign of Terror,” Topakian added.
Michael Huttner, CEO of Fenton, said, “In such critical times we invite activists, allied organizations, progressive consultants and philanthropists to join with us in protecting the progress made in the past eight years. We are ready to partner with you to protect the ideals and people under t hreat.”
SOURCE Fenton Communications