By Kyle Olson, Special for USDR
If you ask Ohio State Rep. Matt Huffman, the death of Common Core is not a question of if, but when.
The Lima News reports:
State Rep. Matt Huffman updated Van Wert County Heartland Patriots members on the advancement of House Bill 597, a proposal that would effectively repeal Common Core in Ohio.
Huffman, along with state Rep. Andy Thompson, introduced the bill July 29. Huffman has been one of the more vocal state legislators against Common Core, and has said that Ohioans feel Common Core is too much federal intrusion into something like the education of their children.
“People have been trying to say that Common Core is not a federal program,” Huffman said. “At the very beginning of this, people denied there was any federal involvement.”
However, Huffman said the federal government has used Common Core as an extortion method. He said states are being told that Race To The Top funds are being used as a threat for schools to adopt the standards.
“In Ohio, we have already used all of our RTTT money,” Huffman said. “In Oklahoma, they repealed Common Core and they were told they would not get any more money from the federal Department of Education.”
“People are saying we are being conspirators,” Huffman said, according to the paper. “We are not, we are just looking at facts.”
He added, “We need to realize we are a very diverse country.
“Things are not going to be the same in Van Wert as they are in Miami, Florida.”
See a portion of Huffman’s remarks here:
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