By the US Daily Review Staff
Everyone knows all the favorite major media websites: Drudge Report, Huffington Post, Fox News, Fox Nation, the Blaze, Daily Caller, etc., etc., but we want to know which news oriented websites you really like and why. With that, we are not going to have a survey of all the major sites you can easily point to, but let you identify the ones you depend upon and why.
We understand that “your favorite website” can be a tall order and we could receive a great deal more content than we ever wanted. With that, we want to limit it to news oriented websites. It does not have to be major news sources, just your favorite places for news. When you write us about a site, please include:
- Any information you have about the site, such as how old it is, who does it belong to if you know (for example is a Glenn Beck property), and what is its focus (business, national news, international news, etc.).
- Explain why you are a fan of this particular site. Is it because of the writing? How about the topics? Do you have a vested interest in it (come on, be honest)? Let us know why you think others should be visiting this site.
- Don’t limit it just to one site. If there are others you like, let us know, we want to hear about them too. However, remember, we are looking for the reasons why.
We want to hear from you for several reasons. We think other readers might actually want to know what sites you like and why. Furthermore, we might incorporate some of the things that you like in other sites as a part of After all, there really is “nothing new” under the sun, but there is great information from which new ventures can draw from. We, of course, will be respectful of intellectual property, but there are many things in news site that people like that are also a part of “public domain.” Those will be the ones we draw on.
Please send your thoughts, ideas, and selections to Don’t be surprised if we discuss your choices in a future article!
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