By Steve Parkhurst, Senior Editor, USDR.
Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day.
Labour: a party meant to help women but run by men
As Conservatives smash glass ceilings, the left preaches values that it still fails to embody
The wrong lesson from the Chilcot report – that it’s a crime to lead
“I will be with you, whatever.” These words, in a personal memo from Tony Blair to George W Bush on July 28 2002, are said to condemn Mr Blair. Just six words out of Sir John Chilcot’s 2.6 million frame the indictment. They show, say Mr Blair’s critics, that he was irrevocably committed to war.
Andrea Leadsom is a revolutionary, but she has no vision for the future
The left may regret the failure of Michael Gove in the Tory leadership race if Leadsom’s blinkered brand of nativist Conservatism succeeds
Chilcot is a warning against irresponsible intervention, not a commandment never to intervene ever again
In learning the consequences of poorly-planned action, we must not fall into the trap of thinking inaction is cost-free.
The Chilcot report merely proves the British love hindsight
Britain repeated the mistakes of Iraq in Libya, and would have done so in Syria had David Cameron got his way. It will repeat them again soon
Race for the Tory leadership
What next for the candidates?
Our special Next Party Leader survey result. It’s a two-horse race. Activists want Leadsom v May in the final.
Indeed, the former leads the latter by a nose. Crabb’s support is low, Fox’s has collapsed, and Gove is becalmed.
The Bank of England should cheer up
The Bank’s Report and measures today are mired in gloom.
I have no problem with the Bank allowing banks to extend more credit to businesses and individuals. I support them making liquidity and foreign currencies available to commercial banks so they can do their jobs.
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Across The Pond is edited daily by Steve Parkhurst. Steve is a political consultant, a writer at his blog as well as a Senior Editor here at US Daily Review. Follow Steve on Twitter @SteveParkhurst