By Genentech, Special for USDR
In the United States, someone has a stroke every 40 secondsi, accounting for one in 20 deathsii. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries blood and oxygen to the brain is blocked by plaque or a blood clot (acute ischemic stroke) or ruptures and bleeds (hemorrhagic stroke).iii
However, the prevalence and death rates from stroke vary widely across the U.S. In eight Southern states called the “Stroke Belt,”iv the death rate from stroke is more than 20 percent higher than the U.S. averagev.
While these states are known to have a higher prevalence of stroke, anyone can be at risk wherever one lives.
Recognizing and understanding the signs and symptoms of a stroke is crucial. Immediate medical attention may limit the effects of a stroke, so it is imperative that people call 9-1-1 at the first
To learn more about stroke, visit
Content sponsored by Genentech, a member of the Roche Group. Genentech is committed to stroke education and awareness.
i Stroke Facts. Retrieved March 13, 2017 from
ii Stroke Facts. Retrieved March 13, 2017 from
iii Types of Stroke Fact Sheet. Retrieved March 10, 2017 from
iv Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2014 Update. (2014). Circulation, p. e169. Retrieved March 6, 2017
v Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2014 Update. (2014). Circulation, p. e169. Retrieved March 6, 2017
vi Act FAST. Retrieved March 10, 2017 from
SOURCE Genentech
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