By Dave Bego, Special for USDR
The title of this article is apropos when one considers the false accusations and attacks being utilized by “Big Labor” as the Unions Flex Muscles as Midterms Approach. Such tactics were inevitable, based on those used in recent elections and the fact control of the U.S. Senate is at stake. It is imperative for the President and Big Labor to maintain majority if there is any hope to achieve Big Labor’s goal of eliminating the secret ballot election and replacing it with the forced unionization method of Card Check. Even at a casual glance, however, the new tactics would cause even the most gullible to take pause and say, “Really?”
In recent weeks, Big Labor’s campaigns of intimidation and misinformation have risen to new heights. This is highlighted by the recent headline “Unions say they’ll get even with Scott Walker,” for passing popular laws restricting collective bargaining agreements and dues collection in Wisconsin (seeCollective Bargaining is a Privilege, Not a Right). Such tactics are typical big labor strategy, as chronicled in The Devil at Our Doorstep, which clearly exposes the SEIU’s Death by a Thousand Cuts Corporate Campaign to use intimidation and misinformation to achieve its goals!
Unions accuse corporations of have an unfair advantage, stating that they have more money to spend on election candidates. The truth, however, is that Unions are Outspending Corporations on Campaign Ads Despite Court Ruling.
Once again, Big Labor is relying on the fact that a large percentage of the population is naïve to their cause, and is therefore easily misled and too busy to investigate the facts. However, based on big labor’s latest tactic, it appears theGasping Dinosaurs may be carrying these assumptions a bit too far. Despite the fact Union Members are Not Happy with Their Leader’s Political Spending — and it has been well documented ( see IRS turns a blind eye to unions’ political expenditures) that approximately 90% of union donations go to democrats, outspending corporate donors significantly — big labor is now attempting to humiliate (see The New Union Organizing Tool, Embarrassment) those who disagree with their agenda and their politics. An example can be seen with the Koch Brothers, whom Big Labor is attacking by discouraging people from doing business with their companies. Believe it or not, a new AFL-CIO Ad Introduces the ‘Koch Sisters’ to Counter the Billionaire Brothers.
Perhaps the most unbelievable factor is how Big Labor not only misuses its members’ dues for its own political agenda, but believes it can continue to exploit its own power and its membership’s naiveté. The following e-mail was sent to members of the SEIU and was forwarded to me by one of its disgruntled members:
Would you throw away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you weren’t getting wet?
No, you wouldn’t. But that’s exactly what the Supreme Court did a year ago when they gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), the most important and successful civil rights law ever enacted by the U.S. Congress.The right to vote is at stake. SIGN THE PETITION and tell Congress to restore strength to the Voting Rights Act!
In some states, especially Southern ones, it used to be really, really hard for people of color to vote. The Voting Rights Act helped end that, banning racism at the polls and carrying forward the work Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and so many others to ensure communities of color have a voice in our political process.
But in 2013, the Supreme Court — by a 5-4 vote — undid a VRA provision that cleared barriers to voting in areas where minority voters were heavily silenced at the polls.
Within hours of the Supreme Court’s decision, several states in the South immediately announced that they would pursue new voter ID laws that were clearly designed to make it harder for African Americans and Latinos to vote. And one year later, 15 states have already enacted rules making it more difficult to vote.
Voter discrimination based on race is not a thing of the past. It is a current reality that persists to this day. We need to stop Republicans in states around the country from enacting racist voter ID and voter suppression laws. Passing the Voting Rights Amendment Act now is the best way to do it.
Sign the petition: Tell Congress to stop the attacks on voting rights.
We’re joining with our allies for a petition delivery to Congress next week to urge the House and Senate to take swift action to correct this injustice.
There is no right more fundamental to our democracy than the right to vote. Tell Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act now. The November elections are fast approaching, and vulnerable voters could lose their voice in this democracy if we don’t act now. Thanks for fighting,
As chronicled in Election 2010 and Fraudsters the Reason Blue States Remained Blue, the real reason Big Labor wants to eliminate voter identification laws through restoration of the Voting Rights Act is for union members to more effectively intimidate undocumented workers and others who either don’t qualify, are of another political bent, or are disinterested into registering to vote and then escorting them to the polls with the directive to vote for the big labor candidate of choice (see Big Labor’s Expense for Election Foot Soldiers, is Finally in the Media Spotlight). This brazen display of misinformation by the SEIU labor bosses leads one to ask the only question that makes sense: “Do they think we are idiots?”
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