The SNICKERS Brand is excited about the big game this Sunday and they are contributing to the fun with a new commercial. They released the following statement with the ad you would normally have to wait until game day to enjoy:
“The fans spoke … and SNICKERS® Brand listened. For the first time in company history, Mars Chocolate North America has released one of its coveted Super Bowl commercials prior to the game due to a groundswell of requests from fans on social media eager to see the latest “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” spot from SNICKERS.
“The new 30-second commercial, created by BBDO New York, showcases how even America’s most square family – The Brady Bunch– can become out of sorts when hungry. The spot follows a hungry Marcia Brady, portrayed by action movie star Danny Trejo, throwing a furious tantrum in the Brady family’s iconic ’70s-style living room. A SNICKERS bar from her parents, Carol and Mike, transforms Marcia back into her girl-next-door self, although a humorous coda to the spot shows hunger has also transformed her sister, Jan, into a petulant whiner played by acclaimed actor Steve Buscemi.
“Earlier this month, SNICKERS released a brief teaser for the commercial and announced that if fans generated 2.5 million engagements via social media the brand would release the full spot early – and they came through. Fans can now watch the full commercial on the official SNICKERS® YouTube page (, as well as during the first quarter of Super Bowl XLIX on Sunday, February 1, on NBC.
“‘We’ve learned that Super Bowl season extends well beyond the game, which is why we gave the keys to our fans to unlock the commercial early,” said Allison Miazga-Bedrick, Director, SNICKERS Brand. “Since we released a teaser of the commercial on January 21, millions of consumers have rallied and requested to see the full spot. It’s even more proof of the power of our brand and this campaign.'”
Want to see many more Super Bowl ads before game day? We suggest.