By AJC, Special for USDR
AJC decried Donald Trump’s outrageous proposal to establish a government registry for Muslims in the United States.
When he was asked by an NBC reporter about requiring all Muslims living in the U.S. to register with a national database, Trump said, “I would certainly implement that – absolutely.”
“Singling out any ethnic or faith group to register with the government is morally repugnant, not to mention unconstitutional,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. “What Mr. Trump proposes, in this case targeting all Muslims, is a horror movie that we Jews are quite familiar with. It easily can lead to heightened discrimination, persecution, and scapegoating. And, in the United States, there is no place for this kind of divisive, hateful rhetoric. Yes, we face security threats, but the right response must be focused on those individuals, of whatever background, whom our authorities believe could pose a potential danger, but not, heaven forbid, on an entire religious or national community.
“We applaud the presidential candidates who have soundly condemned this registry idea, and call on Mr. Trump to reconsider, and retract, his outlandish, un-American idea.”
AJC, a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization, does not endorse or oppose candidates for political office.
SOURCE American Jewish Committee