By Mommy’s Time Out Wine, Special for USDR
Every aspect of planning for back to school is stressful for mommies, so finds a national survey of mothers conducted by Mommy’s Time Out Wine. Worst of all, a mother doesn’t get nearly enough time to herself!
The survey queried mothers aged 25-45 with school-aged children and found that with summer over, most mothers are faced with back-to-school stress. And what do they find most stressful? According to the survey, pretty much “all of it” came out on top (42.5%)! That said, some particularly stressful issues for mothers included managing new and multiple schedules and homework (29+%) and the cost of buying clothes and school supplies (19+%). Apparently, worries about a child’s future academic performance and ability to socialize were low on the list of stressors (3% and 5% respectively).
Clearly, spending for back to school can put significant pressure on mothers, so we wanted to know how much money they plan to spend on back to school per child. A majority (45+%) will spend between $100-250. A quarter of respondents (24+%) said they would spend under $100, while 22% expect to spend between $250-$350. A much smaller group (7.5%) said they would spend more than $350 per child.
However, back to school isn’t all that bad. In fact, 70% of mommies love the fact that it means getting back into a predictable routine. Less than a fifth of mothers said they enjoy having time to themselves (16%). A smaller group (4%) enjoys the fact that the house is a bit neater when the kids aren’t home! Quite a few mothers told us they hate back to school because they love summers with their kids.
Before heading back to school, the majority of families enjoyed time vacationing with one another this summer (47.5%). Yet, as a sign of the economic times, many still enjoyed staying home (27.5%). Many children went to local camps (17.5%), while a relatively smaller number reported going to sleep-away camp (7.5%).
How did mothers feel after spending the last few months at home with their children? When we asked them what they learned about their kids this summer, a majority of them said the kids are all right! Over 51% said they like their kids just the way they are. In fact, nearly 33% of the mothers said they realized their kids were more mature than they thought. Only 5% said their children were less mature than expected and just over 10% said they “wanted to tear their hair out.”
Now that school is in session, what will mommies do to occupy the kids after school? When we asked, “What do you think is the maximum number of activities a child should be involved in before school work suffers?” a majority (67.5%) said a max of 1-2. Thirty percent thought 2-3 were the limit, while a mere 1+% said 3 or more.
Mommies also had some definite opinions when it came to the maximum amount of time a child should spend on homework each day. The majority (45+%) said one hour was the ideal amount of time for homework, while a quarter of respondents (24+%) said under one hour was best. Some mothers, however, think a bit more homework is a good thing. Eighteen percent said 1.5 hours, while 11% felt two hours was ideal (we’re glad that wasn’t our mother!).
With so much going on, we wanted to know how much “alone” time mothers set aside for relaxation each week. Sadly, over 40% of respondents said, “Are you kidding? None!” An almost equal amount (41.6%) said between 1-4 hours. Very few (15%) said 4 or more hours.
“There is no question that Mommy definitely deserves a time out now and again so she can relax,” said Mike Cincotta, President of Selective Wine Estates, Inc. importers and brand owners of Mommy’s Time Out Wine.
So, what do mommies do to unwind? Most said they like to read or watch TV (34%), while about a third enjoy relaxing with a glass of wine – alone or with friends (32.5%). Good news for Mommy’s Time Out! Surprisingly options such as enjoying a beauty treatment like a manicure or shopping ranked much lower on the scale (15% and 3% respectively).
“Mommy’s Time Out is a delightful wine that Mothers can enjoy when they want to kick back and relax,” said Cincotta.
Mommy’s Time Out wine comes in four varieties: Mommy’s Time Out Garganega Pinot Grigio, Mommy’s Time Out Moscato, Mommy’s Time Out Delicious Red and Mommy’s Time Out Delicious Pink. All are made from grapes grown in Italy and have wonderful fruity flavors. All the wines have a suggested retail of $9.99 per bottle. They are fresh, fruity, and well balanced. They are delicious for sipping, with snacks, or to complement a meal. For more information, please visit
About Selective Wine Estates:
Selective Wine Estates is the brand owner and importer of a selection of consumer-friendly, affordable wines including Mommy’s Time Out, and Dad’s Day Off.
SOURCE Mommy’s Time Out Wine