By The Price of Business (1110 AM KTEK, Houston, TX is the sister radio program of US Daily Review and is Hosted by USDR Publisher and Managing Editor, Kevin Price). These are interviews Kevin Price had with his contributors and guests.*Sponsored
Host Kevin Price and Sigmund Kramer discuss ‘Brian Williams “ on this segment of the Price of Business.,
Host Kevin Price and Contributor Tom Taormina discuss ‘Operational Resonance”on this segment of the Price of Business.
Host Kevin Price and Sigmund Kramer discuss ‘Marking the passing of a great composer”,
Host Kevin Price and Contributor Chris Kidd and Guest Roger Quiles discuss ‘The FBI investigation of the St. Louis Cardinals hacking the Houston Astros” on this segment of the Price of Business.
Host Kevin Price and Contributor Lee Kaplan discuss ‘The Supremes and Obamacare, what’s next? “on this segment of the Price of Business.
Host Kevin Price and Contributor Super Julie and Guest Cara Frye discuss ‘Event Planning taken to the next level” on this segment of the Price of Business.,
Host Kevin Price and David Lynch discuss ‘Detroit Telecom expands operations to Houston”on this segment of the Price of Business.
Host Kevin Price and Chris Reeves & Joel Banetes discuss ‘Why semi-annual maintenance is crucial for your HVAC system “ on this segment of the Price of Business., http://www.unitedcomfortheatingandcoo…
Host Kevin Price and Guest Dr. John Demartini discuss ‘You must change your thinking in order to change your life” on this segment of the Price of Business.
* Sponsored by the Price of Business on Business Talk 1110AMKTEK.