Brown’s Support Plummets as He Backs Driver License for Illegals

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BY CAPS, Special for US Daily Review.

A new poll conducted by Pulse Opinion Research on behalf of Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) finds that 61% of Californians say they will be less likely to vote for Governor Jerry Brown if he signs into law a bill giving illegal aliens authorization to legally obtain California driver’s licenses. The poll also found that half of all Californians believe Governor Brown is doing a poor job of getting the California economy moving again and putting unemployed Californians back to work.

“Giving illegal aliens the right to legally obtain California driver’s licenses is like giving them a license to take unemployed Californians’ jobs,” commented Marilyn DeYoung, Chairman of the Board of Californians for Population Stabilization. “It’s time Governor Brown focused on opening jobs for unemployed Californians instead of making it easier for illegal aliens to take our jobs.”

The Driver’s license bill will be introduced later this year for the eighth time by Los Angeles Assemblyman Gil Cedillo.  The bill is expected to be approved and presented to Governor Brown for his signature before the end of the year.  Similar bills were passed by the California legislature in previous years but were vetoed by Governor Schwarzenegger.  Only two other states in America, New Mexico and Washington State, allow illegal aliens to obtain drivers licenses.

63% of poll participants oppose driver’s licenses for illegal aliens.  Top reasons include:

  • Illegal aliens have broken the law and should not be rewarded.
  • The license will become an official ID card illegal aliens can use to obtain other taxpayer benefits.
  • It will encourage more illegal immigration.

Mrs. DeYoung also voiced security concerns.  “The 911 hijackers used driver’s licenses to gain access to our airplanes and kill 3,000 Americans.  I don’t have a lot confidence that the California DMV has the ability to run background checks that could identify potential terrorists.”

The poll was recently conducted among one thousand likely voters in California.  Other findings include:

  • 70% favor mandating that all California employers electronically verify their workers are in the country legally and have a work visa.
  • 76% think new California jobs should go to unemployed Californians instead of bringing in new legal immigrant workers.
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